View Full Version : Reapplying Klasse Sealant, or trying to salvage a sub-par job

09-26-2012, 09:49 AM
Just curious for some advice on fixing a mediocre application of Klasse sealant.

Yesterday I decided to give the car what I hoped would be the last full-wash of the year (in prep for our Vermont winters). It was washed, clayed, cleaned p with lotion, then sealed. By the time I got to hitting it with the Klasse I was losing sunlight, so I had to apply it faster than I'd have liked and I'm sure I didn't do as well as I'd like in removing the sealant.

Then mother nature bit me; it rained last night despite a forecast of staying dry. So the sealant wasn't removed as well as I'd have liked, then didn't cure as long as it should have. My plan was to follow-up today with another good buffing of the existing coat and then a second coat--however I'm now wondering what the best way forward is.

So, I've been contemplating a few options:
1) Leave it as is, redo the whole thing on a weekend provided weather allows (wash, clay, lotion, seal)

2) Try to finish up the current application. I'd plan on dusting it with quick detailer, buffing the sealant, then applying a 2nd coat of sealant. I'm worries that the extra residual sealant will either hold dust and water minerals and detailing it, or buffing it after detailing, might do more harm than good.

3) ... not really sure.

Also, unrelated: I was poking around YouTube and saw at least one guy recommending removing the excess sealant using quick detailer--any thoughts on this? I've only ever removed it with dry microfiber towels--but it can be a bear in areas that get a bit too much.

So, any advice? Thanks!

Setec Astronomy
09-26-2012, 10:17 AM
Ok, could you give us a little more detail on your pre-Klasse SG steps? What exactly is "cleaned with lotion then sealed"? What products did you use and how did you apply them?

09-26-2012, 11:48 AM
Sure thing :)

The car was professionally polished and waxed by a local detailer about 6 weeks ago. This was my first full-wash since then (I've done a light wash/rinse/quick-detail a couple times since), so I went through the following:

Hand-washed and dried
Clayed with XMT speed clay (the finish was still very clean, the clay picked up very little grime), finished with a light misting with lube and buffing with microfiber
Straight-rubbed Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing lotion, then buffed off with microfiber when close to dry
Sealed with Klasse

I just ran out to lunch and got a look in the sunlight for the first time, and overall it's not as bad as I thought--there's a few areas with some extra sealant but overall it looks pretty good.

So the question basically remains "can I clean up this first application and apply a second; should I try to remove the first application and start from scratch; or is there another option?"


09-26-2012, 12:35 PM
i have been in a similar situation before, i would drive the car as little as possible, when you get another chance rewash with a mild car wash soap, no wash and wax products, then towel dry and do a 2nd coat of ksg, ive used quick detailer to buff it off the past 5 times ive used it and i have had no problems, i also top it with a wax usually, ive used nxt 2.0 paste and megs ultimate paste, the ultimate is real easy to remove compared to nxt, i dont know how well they bond to the ksg but i figure its a good extra step

Setec Astronomy
09-26-2012, 12:41 PM
I haven't used that Pinnacle lotion, but my guess is it's got some oily fillers in it, which the KSG isn't really going to want to bond over. As the last poster suggested, do another wash (that should remove any excess SG as well), and re-apply the SG. Go "whisper-thin" and you shouldn't have much trouble removing it or with excess product.

09-26-2012, 01:00 PM
I'm a newbie to Klasse, but applied KAIO and 2x SG coats for the first time recently.

If you keep the coats of SG thin ( apply with moist foam applicator ), it shouldn't be tough to remove at all with just a MF towel. I was expecting to use QD to remove it, but the product just buffed out with a MF towel without any extra effort needed to remove product.

Process of Wash, Clay, AIO, SG took me about 4 hours start to finish without break. Used the WOWO method for AIO and did a test panel to get proper SG coat and removed after 20 min. Once I got the amount, I did the car with SG and then removed it all when car was done.

From what you've described, I'd just get a QD without wax ( M34 is one I know of ) and buff whatever isn't buffed off the car & then apply a 2nd coat of SG when it's dry. If you've got any kindof wax on your car, I think you'll have to definitely strip it with an AIO of some sort and start over. No need to use clay again.

Either that or start over simply with the Klasse Twins. You can rain or whatever between coats as long as you don't put wax between coats. Just wash and dry good with MF towel so you get a clear surface and apply the SG coat as directed.

I couldn't tell from your description if you used Klasse AIO before the SG or not. My understanding is the two are designed to work together. Not sure how Klasse adheres to other Sealants.

These suggestions are from a Greenhorn, but from my limited experience that's how I'd handle it.

09-26-2012, 01:30 PM
Sounds good, thanks for the input guys