View Full Version : Best Leather Seat Products?

09-23-2012, 11:29 AM

I have a 2007 VW GTI with leather seats and have been using Gtechniq Leather Guard & RaceGlaze Leather Cleaner on themthem for the past 6 months or so since I got the car. Great products dont have any complaints other then it does not really leave the nice leather smell behind.

Now I want to try something else on my seats to protect them and keep them from cracking since I regularly clean my interior and wanted to get some suggestions from the pros around here?


09-23-2012, 04:55 PM
If your looking for something that smells good along with looking great and sold by AG, I'd go with the pinnacle leather conditioner.

09-23-2012, 05:01 PM

I have a 2007 VW GTI with leather seats and have been using Gtechniq Leather Guard & RaceGlaze Leather Cleaner on themthem for the past 6 months or so since I got the car. Great products dont have any complaints other then it does not really leave the nice leather smell behind.

Now I want to try something else on my seats to protect them and keep them from cracking since I regularly clean my interior and wanted to get some suggestions from the pros around here?

If you regularly clean your seats, you won't need a leather protector. You already have a leather coating protecting your seats..just keep it clean.

09-23-2012, 05:06 PM
If you regularly clean your seats, you won't need a leather protector. You already have a leather coating protecting your seats..just keep it clean.

Well when I clean my interior I will use the Gtechniq Leather Guard & every once in a while I'll use the RaceGlaze Leather Cleaner.


09-23-2012, 05:18 PM
Well when I clean my interior I will use the Gtechniq Leather Guard & every once in a while I'll use the RaceGlaze Leather Cleaner.


You should only use GTECHNIQ L1 Leather Guard every 6 months (less prone to wear areas) or every 3 months (high wear areas), not every time you clean your interior.

In between, a mild cleaner will be enough.

09-23-2012, 05:20 PM
Optimum is the best out there, IMHO

09-23-2012, 05:58 PM
LeatherMasters is another good choice but those you are using have nice reputations.

09-23-2012, 08:09 PM
If your looking for something that smells good along with looking great and sold by AG, I'd go with the pinnacle leather conditioner.

I second. I have both cleaner and conditioner. Use it on all cars. My personal cars get it every other wash. Great stuff.

09-23-2012, 08:35 PM
Ultima Interior Shampoo for general maintenance. For heavy cleaning, I like Adams Leather Cleaner. Use Pinnacle Leather Conditioner as a followup. It's a terrific product.

09-23-2012, 11:41 PM
I use Chem Guys Leather Cleaner and Chem Guys leather Conditioner. G tech Leather Guard ad a couple others. Im happy with these 3

09-23-2012, 11:59 PM
First of all, although I'm a car enthusiast, I'm no "Pro" at detailing.

Having said that, I have a 1989 MB 560SL. The leather in my car is in excellent condition with no visible dirt or cracks, but because it was somewhat hard and stiff to the touch, I wanted to do something to not only get out any oils, grime, etc. that I couldn't see, but, more importantly to me, help soften the leather to help prevent any future cracking.

I researched all kinds of products including Lexol, Griots, and some of the others mentioned. There are all kinds of products available, and every product has it's fans. Ultimately, I ended up going with the Leatherique kit. A little involved and time consuming, but I feel it worth the investment in time and cost. I don't have any feelings on the smell of the product one way or the other. With the top down, I really don't notice, but the leather does seem cleaner, and it's definitely softer. I plan another "treatment" in the Spring.

My car has only 26,000 miles and is only driven occsionally on sunny days. I don't know the condition of the leather in your 2007, but I can certainly say that I'm very pleased with the job Leatherique did for me.