View Full Version : Junkman's, The Mother of All "How to Fix Your Paint for Novices" Thread!

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09-21-2012, 04:31 PM
That's right boys and girls, The Junkman has went and made paint correction so easy, a caveman could do it! In the following videos, I cover the entire process from start to finish. The first two videos are worth their weight in gold for the information alone. I don't even start working on the paint until the third video but the amount of information I cover in the first two videos is priceless. Do NOT skip through them!

If you have ever been apprehensive about using a machine to rid your paint of scratches and swirls, you will definitely not be worried after watching this video series. I break it down to a level where a 10 year old can watch these videos and start fixing paint. The supplies and equipment that I use are readily available in the USA and abroad (for the most part). If you have a serious desire to finally fix your paint and about 1 hour and 54 minutes, then this video series is totally for you. After you have watched this series, you will not believe how easy I have made this.

So sit back and get out some popcorn, kick up your feet and enjoy. The Junkman is about to burst onto your screen in a way that only the Junkman can! :thumbsup:

Here are your before and after shots, which won't make a lot of sense until you have watched the videos, especially when you see how the number "2" ended up in the paint!





Part 1 - Hey boys and girls! Finally, a video series that takes the process of paint correction from the beginning to the end (from claying to waxing). Although I do not apply any wax at the end, I cover everything else in detail. This series is 1 hour and 54 minutes long so that should give you an idea as to how much detail I go into.

In this first video, I talk in detail about exactly what paint correction is. I also go into detail about the polishing technique you should use as well as the best product on the market that you should buy. I cover other topics too so just sit back and kick up your feet. This video is 15 minutes and 7 seconds long.

How To for Novice to Machine Polishing - Part 1 - YouTube

Part 2 - In this video, I go into detail about exactly what I use to remove the paint damage within this video series. I name and visually show every piece of equipment as well as all of the products necessary to do paint correction. In some cases, I even offer up a location where you can find the products that I use. I talk about why I chose to use the products that I use as well as what I don't use. If you want a list of these items, WATCH THIS VIDEO.

How To for Novices to Machine Polishing - Part 2 - YouTube

Part 3 - Okay, in this video I identify the damage that we are going to repair. I even go as far to create some damage just to ensure that my paint will be more jacked up than your paint. I then go into detail about claying, and what it does for your finish. Last of all, I show how to assemble the PC-7424XP so that we can start the polishing process. The video following this video will be in high definition so that you can clearly see the damage and the effectiveness of my repair.

How To for Novices to Machine Polishing - Part 3 - YouTube

Part 4 - Because I wanted the viewers of this video to be able to see the results of the work that I did in high detail, I uploaded this video in high definition. That took 12 hours!

In this video, I actually go into the proper technique for polishing with the PC-7424XP, showing me using the machine properly. I show the polishes that I use, the pads that each polish is used on, how to work the polisher and how much polish should be used. I also talk about the importance of not using too much polish and clogging up the pores in the pads, which makes the whole process worthless. I go into the discussion of how long to work a polish and when to stop (after a polish flashes). I show which order the polishes are used and explain why you use them in that order.

One thing that I stress in this video is the importance of a solid technique. I talk about and show the technique that I use, as well as how to ensure that you are developing a solid technique. As I say often in this video series, "Technique trumps product 365, 24/7. No matter who's polishes you decide to use, none of them will work worth a darn if your technique sucks. Technique rules!

How To for Novices to Machine Polishing - Part 4 - YouTube

Conclusion - I recap my process and allow you into my mindset concerning paint correction and caring for your paint.

How To for Novice to Machine Polishing - Part 5 - YouTube

The Junkman :cheers:

Mike Phillips
09-21-2012, 04:42 PM
One thing that I stress in this video is the importance of a solid technique.

I agree.

I show a lot of people how to use a lot of different brands of products but one thing that's 100% accurate and that's technique is first priority.

Technique is everything (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/54960-technique-everything.html)

If the product works then if you use good technique you'll get good results.

If the products don't work, then technique doesn't matter. So use quality products and focus on using perfect technique.


09-21-2012, 04:45 PM
Wow! For once in my life I'm speechless. Great video series! Makes me more determined than ever to save up for a DA.


09-21-2012, 04:49 PM
If the product works then if you use good technique you'll get good results.

BINGO, and there are quite a few products to choose from that will work. We are definitely lock-step on this. :xyxthumbs:

09-21-2012, 04:58 PM
Dude, you and your videos are great!

09-21-2012, 05:01 PM
Dude, you and your videos are great!

Thank you sir!

09-21-2012, 05:26 PM
Great videos!!! your videos were the very first ones I watched when I got into detailing 3 years ago I had not even discovered AGO back then. Thanks for taking the time to make all these great informational videos.... Love your "Haters gonna Hate" Video. :buffing::buffing::buffing::buffing:

09-21-2012, 05:40 PM
No Adam's products? :confused: I thought you were like their spokesman or something.

Good videos though. Should help a lot of people especially since your earlier vids have been watched a lot.

09-21-2012, 05:45 PM
Thanks for sharing these videos, Junkman. :props:
Nice seeing you again!!!

Remember this photo-op??




EDIT: Yes you did...Just saw your post in the Paducah, Ky. thread! Thanks.

09-21-2012, 09:46 PM
Semper Fi Junkman

LOL!!! You said "one spot, if you can get one spot perfect then you can do the rest. One spot and that should be 1.5 feet, thats 1 foot 5 inches" OMG. How funny. 12:44 in video #3.

09-21-2012, 10:01 PM
Jungian said...TPS report...I remember those in the Army back in the day. Junkmman...US Army LRSD/Scout here...Great Video series.

09-21-2012, 10:10 PM
Actually, 1.5 ft. is one foot six inches, or 1' 6"...but who cares? LOL!!! I was still laughing from the twist. LOL!!! Funny and great video all at the same time.

OH! Almost forgot....

...Junkman...thank you for your service sir. You are a great American.

09-21-2012, 10:12 PM
Thanks for the informative and entertaining videos!

09-22-2012, 12:20 AM
No Adam's products? :confused: I thought you were like their spokesman or something.

Good videos though. Should help a lot of people especially since your earlier vids have been watched a lot.

Not a spokesman, just someone who used their products and showed other folks how to do the same.

Semper Fi Junkman

LOL!!! You said "one spot, if you can get one spot perfect then you can do the rest. One spot and that should be 1.5 feet, thats 1 foot 5 inches" OMG. How funny. 12:44 in video #3.

Yea, I used some funky math on that one huh! That's what happens when your mouth is working faster than your brain, and you don't believe in editing the crap out of your videos!

Semper Fi bro'! :props:

Jungian said...TPS report...I remember those in the Army back in the day. Junkmman...US Army LRSD/Scout here...Great Video series.

Thank YOU for your service sir! :dblthumb2:

Actually, 1.5 ft. is one foot six inches, or 1' 6"...but who cares? LOL!!! I was still laughing from the twist. LOL!!! Funny and great video all at the same time.

OH! Almost forgot....

...Junkman...thank you for your service sir. You are a great American.

I bet you won't see that episode in no one elses videos! I wanted some damage! The Junkman don't play! lol!

09-22-2012, 09:31 AM
your videos are well thought out and user friendly ... nice work !