View Full Version : First application Klasse Twins - have question for anybody who's used AIO & SG?

09-19-2012, 06:18 PM
I did my test application of Klasse Twins tonight.

1) I washed a panel

2) Used Mothers Clay Bar Kit. Clay went smoothely. Being my first clay, the process went easier than I had anticipated. I made sure to use plenty of lubricant during the process. When I got done, the panel was smoothe as glass.

3) Followed instructions of Klasse AIO. With dry panel, I wet the microfiber pad under sink and squeezed it as dry as I could. Was still a little too wet, so I pressed it into a towel, and it was slightly moist. I put a few drops of AIO and rubbed it into panel so I got a slight flash all over. I used WOWO method.

4) After giving panel a little bit of time to dry fully, I used the foam applicator to apply Klasse SG. I wet applicator under sink again, and squeezed it dry. Applied 2 small pea sized dots of SG on the side and folded the foam applicator to spread the product. Then I rubbed it into panel ( was a small quarterpanel ) from all directions. It was getting a little tacky as I was rubbing the product onto panel. At the end of process, there was nothing visible

5) Waited 20 minutes to wipe off expected haze ( but none was visible ). I had my MF towel from kit, and purchased some M34 in case it was tough to wipe off. To my surprise, it wasn't hard to wipe at all. I didn't feel much of anything tacky when I was doing final wiping with MF towel. With all the difficulties I had read of using this product, this was quite surprising to me....... ?

Did I do something wrong, not apply product correctly, or just get a perfect thin coat of SG on and got lucky stumbling on doing it correctly the first application.

This question is for those who have used Klasse products and have some working knowledge with product.

Assuming everything is good tomorrow morning with my test panel, I would like to do the full car tomorrow evening.


09-19-2012, 06:22 PM
From my experience, what you did was perfectly fine. You used the correct amount of SG. From my memory, I would always apply AIO to the entire car and then take off. Same with SG. As long as SG is thin, you are golden. Put it on too thick, that's another story.

09-19-2012, 06:29 PM
From my experience, what you did was perfectly fine. You used the correct amount of SG. From my memory, I would always apply AIO to the entire car and then take off. Same with SG. As long as SG is thin, you are golden. Put it on too thick, that's another story.


You will know when you over apply it, trust me.

09-19-2012, 06:47 PM
My concern was that I didn't apply enough Klasse product. Or that the lubricant from Clay treatment was keeping the product from bonding to paint. I just buffed the panel after claybar and went straight to Klasse Twins.

09-19-2012, 06:51 PM
My concern was that I didn't apply enough Klasse product. Or that the lubricant from Clay treatment was keeping the product from bonding to paint. I just buffed the panel after claybar and went straight to Klasse Twins.

The AIO would have cleaned any residue left by the clay lube.

09-19-2012, 06:58 PM

When I layer 2nd or 3rd layer of the Klasse SG, what is the application process.

* Do I just wash and buff dry and go straight to applying 2nd layer Sealant Glaze application.

- or -

* Do I wash, dry, and apply AIO then SG to build a second coat on top the the existing coat.


09-19-2012, 07:05 PM

When I layer 2nd or 3rd layer of the Klasse SG, what is the application process.

* Do I just wash and buff dry and go straight to applying 2nd layer Sealant Glaze application.

- or -

* Do I wash, dry, and apply AIO then SG to build a second coat on top the the existing coat.


Thoroughly wash and dry. Then apply a second coat. The AIO will just take off the Sealant Glaze that is already there.

09-19-2012, 07:09 PM
your gonna love that 2nd and 3rd coat of sg it really comes alive then

09-19-2012, 07:38 PM
Ksg application is quite easy. Put 1oz in a spray bottle and spritz a foam pad. Scrunch it to distribute then apply so thin you see it evaporating til there is nothing left. Done right there will be very little to wipe off if anything. No need to scrub it in from every angle. You'll just tire yourself out if you do that for the entire car

04-29-2013, 12:54 AM
There is no need to apply AIO a second time.

Defiant Mouse