View Full Version : Just bought a 4runner, need advice

MR Turco
09-10-2012, 06:07 PM
Hi all!

I have been on the forums for a while and have been detailing my "nicer" cars for quite sometime -- Mitsu evo, corvette, wife's G35x. I recently sold my old sentra and bought a brand new 4runner. I love it, but it's huge. At least the biggest vehicle i've ever owned.

Does anyone have advice on what tips, tricks and tools are optimal for washing larger vehicles. It sounds so elementary given some of the more "advanced" detailing i've learned to do from this forum but i want to make sure i have the basic tips down so i can keep the new paint better than new.

The plan is to wash, clay, polish, klasse high gloss, and collinite 845. a more minor detail than the vette but hopefully similar affect. Car will live outside so i need the durability.

Thanks in advance!

Vegas Transplant
09-10-2012, 06:28 PM
One (of many) thread(s) that may be of value.


09-10-2012, 07:22 PM
I would suggest some form of platform to use whiles washing, polishing and waxing. Helps get you in the hard to reach areas such as the roof. I have small platform that doubles as a seat .
