View Full Version : Actual customers?

09-04-2012, 07:57 PM
I consider myself to be a "Detailer On The Side", I have a full time job, wife and 2 awesome kids. I have been detailing cars on the side for quite some time now and enjoy it more than ever. I get a lot of people who want their cars detailing, and few people who actually get their cars detailed. Out of curiosity, how many of you "Part Timers" get the customers that say "I want my car detailed" become the ones that actually bring you the work???

09-04-2012, 08:05 PM
I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking If my customers send me referrals? If so yes.

Vegas Transplant
09-04-2012, 08:44 PM
Lookers:Takers. :props:

09-04-2012, 08:48 PM
I've heard that before in areas outside of detailing. Unfortunately for some people, saying it and doing it are two different things. I don't take offense when it happens to me because everyone tends to juggle way too much just to stay afloat these days.

09-04-2012, 09:42 PM
I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking If my customers send me referrals? If so yes.

How many people who tell you that they would like to have thier car detailed actually follow through? I have had countless people tell me that they would love to have their car detailed, but when it came down to it, I would never see the car.
I get a lot of window shoppers.

Mike McDonald
09-04-2012, 10:37 PM
I too, get a lot of window shoppers. I live in an upper middle-class town, and work in town at a full-time job. I often take the opportunity to talk with my customers there about what I also do on the side. A lot of people are interested, a lot of people take my card, but unfortunately, 1 out of 5 people probably pull the trigger.

Now, if I wasn't trapped in my workspace, and could show them pictures of my work, or take them outside, show them my car and look at their car - I might get that to 2 out of 5.

I also lose many peoples attention at the price. Mind you, I try to stay on the cheaper side, not because of less quality or pride in my work, but I'm not a 'pro' and I am still very young (20). A lot of people see me and doubt my abilities.

How could I avoid this and rake in the money? Better advertising, being able to show why the price is worth it, so on and so forth. It is a lot more difficult for those of us with a day job than those who solely rely on detailing for income. Personally, I work 40-50 hours a week at my job, and I'd rather not lose my 1st or even 2nd day off sometimes. I have a dog to care for, who I miss 40-50 hours a week. I have errands to run, and a social life. Take all of that into account, and you've maybe 10 hours for a car. I usually take that, and do a 'production' detail. No buffing, just a basic interior and exterior package. Gets a good $100 - $150. That's gas and groceries right there. Now I can use my other income for other bills, and maybe have some left over.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, (I ran off for a bit there) is that don't be worried if you're not getting many who actually use you. Just keep doing what you're doing, assuming it's the right thing, and show people what you're capable of. Earn their respect, and earn potential life long clients. Friendships even. That is far more worth it than getting every person I talk to about detailing to use my services. If that were the case, I'd have no time in the day for anyone or anything. Once a month detail is fine with me, and with two kids, I'd hope it would be okay for you. They'll appreciate it!

09-05-2012, 05:40 AM
OK I understand your question. If you take the time to talk detailing always make sure you ask for the sale. I always carry my appointment book. At the end of talking I always ask "what day works best for you,we could do your car Sun morning or next Thurs morn". then put them in the book.

09-05-2012, 06:45 PM
It's not killing me to not get the work, what gets me is that people show interest, you go over what is going to be done, the amount of time it MAY take, and ABOUT how much it's going to cost, and then that's it. I do hand out business cards, and use my personal vehicle as an example of what can be achieved. In all reality are these people interested, or just blowing smoke?

09-05-2012, 07:35 PM
Window shoppers get 100 times worse when you go full time. Having just turned full time I get SO many calls and emails from people just price shopping, or people that want to talk like they are going to get a detail, and then never end up scheduling one. Fortunately the "real" customers have also increased a ton so it makes everything work out. But it does get old taking call after call from people who I know aren't going to ever get a detail done.

I'm half tempted to hire an answering service sometimes...