View Full Version : Teaser: This is nottt going to be fun

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04-14-2007, 03:56 PM
This is my late Grandfather's truck. 95 Chevy Silverado? It only has 35,000 miles on but you would think it has 200,000.

Here are some pics I snapped from yesterday. It's definately going to be getting XMT4 with a yellow pad all around then we'll go from there. There are a ton of baked on bugs and a few decent sized scrathes.
Fenderwells and wheels are a mess, running boards are a disaster, and the trim is just terruble.

Anyways, here are a few pics. I should be able to get at it as soon as the weather turns for the better:


If anyone knows of any neat little tricks they thought of when seeing these pictures. I'm all for it for this one. At least this should be fun but there doesn't look to be anything I can't completely turn around and make look great!

04-14-2007, 04:04 PM

04-14-2007, 04:10 PM
Yikes!! +1 That's how my mom's car used to look before I detailed it the first time. You definitely have your work cut out for you, but I can't wait to see the after pics. :)

04-14-2007, 05:10 PM
DAMNNNN you have some work cut out for you lol!!! I cant wait to see the turn around i love makeovers its so cool to see what talented people can do

04-14-2007, 05:15 PM
oooohhhh....I had to look a way in some of those pictures wow...man that's going to take some elbow grease my friend. Well anything can be done, just takes time...as for tips...um...um...polish lots and post lots of pictures lol...teasing...gosh I don't know where to start.

04-14-2007, 05:18 PM
Wow, that is going to be a lot of work. How's the interior? The engine? I bet that would take me days! I'm eager to see your results. Seeing your other posts I know you will turn this bad boy around.

Sorry you Grandfather passed away.

04-14-2007, 06:01 PM
You have some work ahead of you.

04-14-2007, 06:16 PM

04-14-2007, 07:58 PM
Yikes +2! :eek: I can tell for sure that truck was driven in some country area. I know, I live in one and have the same problem...

Gary Sword
04-14-2007, 08:06 PM
It looks like fun to me. I really enjoy a challenge. Besides you don't have to worry to much about messing it up.

04-14-2007, 08:15 PM
Psshhhh, that looks pretty dang good for 12 years old!! I see a lot of cars younger than that with rust all over the place.

04-14-2007, 08:20 PM
You mean you guys don't have the joy of detailing cars like this all the time? You're really missing out and some fun. You definitely have some work ahead of you, but besides the deep scratches on the door, the swirls and light oxidation should be workable. I haven't had any experience with the XMT line, but I have used the OC/OP combo as well as the 83/80 combo on red in similar condition with a great deal of success. If you will be working with a PC, LC's yellow pad with OC worked in a 2x2' section, followed by OP on a white polishing pad is a killer combination. Just take your time and check the surface after each step and you should have great results. Good luck and have some fun with it.

04-14-2007, 08:58 PM
This truck will be Extreme Makeover. It's looks already pretty dirty.
Waiting for AFTERS pics.

04-14-2007, 09:53 PM
Reddwarf... first, thanks for the kind words about my grandfather. Second, the engine is actually carbed and because of this, open. Didn't look to bad at first glance, just dusty. Nothing a little pre-soak and DP Engine degreaser shouldn't handle. Interior is ok. Floor is dirty but it looked like vinyl/plastic mostly, so no filthy carpets (quick glance). Just deep cleaning and conditioning. The seat is a large brown leather bench seat, Megs leather cleaner/conditioner should work well.

Gary... I know, I'm really excited about this, I love good challenges. We'll see how good my young skills are!

Travis... Thanks for the recommendation. I'm going to try XMT4 first, to see what it can do. I might do another section with OC/OP combo as well. I've yet to follow OC with OP, but whenever I've used OC in the past, I get really bad micromarring from the yellow pad/OC combo.

I hope to start at it Wednesday or Thursday (rain and cold for the next couple days.) I hope to do the entire things (interior/extreior) in one day. This will be good practice and will let me know what I can get done in a certain amount of time with a worst case scenario.

So, what LSP should I do???? It's a very nice red, so depending how the compounding/polishing turns out, I'm thinking about this: CK VM by hand, CK RMG w/ Blue pad, Souveran Paste. I've yet to use CK's VM and RMG separately, I usually use the Pink Moose Combo. We'll see how it looks!

Edit: BTW if this was a normal detail I would be charging $175 for this. As of now I may be getting $100 (more than I was hoping for). Like I said, this will be great practice.

04-14-2007, 10:04 PM
I have noticed OC and yellow pad will cause some micromarring, but the OP used in the next step will remove it. RMG topped with Souveran would give the paint a nice deep wet look.