View Full Version : My baby's going back :(

05-19-2006, 01:27 PM
Well, Killrwheels was right as usual. The squeaky wheel does get the oil. My insurance company has finally paid to fix the dent in my car. But can things get any worse? Yes they can. I washed my car for the first time today since I got it back ( I know isn't it terrible!!! Too many appointments for my kids. It was the dirtiest she has EVER been) and when I dried it off and was about to clay, I noticed all of the junk on the passenger side. It looked like it had gotten sprayed with something and it just all ran down the side but it is totally stuck on and feels rough to the touch and then further down on the same side there is some smudge. I saw it when I picked it up from them and assumed it was a grease stain and would come off in the wash but it didn't. I clayed these areas and the stuff wouldn't come off and not only that I found some scratches that were not there before either. :( I took it back to the body shop and I told them how unhappy I was and that I want them to fix it and get that stuff off of my car!! The guy says, "you have to be real careful where you park" I said, "you guys are the one that got that stuff on my car!" So then he says to me, "Well, it looks like we have a little more work to do then." Ay, ay, ay! So now next Wednesday she goes back in the shop again. :( Hopefully they will get it all right this time and this will be the end of all of this stress! Wish me luck!:o

05-19-2006, 04:26 PM
When i had my body shop , there wasn't a car that went out that wasn't detailed, and checked over, to some degree for over spray, dirt, dust, interior carpet grime, etc, no matter how much of a shop job it was to begin with....The car was cleaned all over just as if it were my car.
that shop you went to has a lot to learn if ever about how to succeed in getting back return customers.......

05-19-2006, 04:28 PM
you so lucky ..... when it comes back perfect, you will be much happier to detail it without the eye sore. Trust me ... you would have noticed it for eternity, or well, until you sold the car.

05-19-2006, 05:48 PM
You know me to well Killr! You are absolutel right. I love my car, but seeing her this way is making me crazy!! I do everything I can to keep it like new and to see her this way when she's usually gleaming is so hard! I just hope that this time they get it right and that this will be the last thing I have to worry about with this car.

you so lucky ..... when it comes back perfect, you will be much happier to detail it without the eye sore. Trust me ... you would have noticed it for eternity, or well, until you sold the car.