View Full Version : Snowmobile Tunnel Polishing

08-17-2012, 10:21 PM
I've got someone asking if I can polish the tunnel on his snowmobile. I'm assuming it's aluminum. So for all you metal polishers, what do you recommend? If I can get away from doing it all by hand, that'd be awesome. It's a Polaris Assault 800 and looks very similar to this. Any advice is much appreciated!

http://img1.findthebest.com/sites/default/files/887/media/images/2012_Polaris_800_Switch_Back_Assault_144_Snowmobil e.jpg

08-17-2012, 11:21 PM
Yeah, that is aluminum. I polish my tunnel every season on my sled. I usually use mothers mag & alum. polish and elbow grease. Sometimes I use a powerball. For best results remove the black tunnel supports. Also if the aluminum has already oxidized, you can wet sand it like paint. Be prepared to use alot of towels.


08-18-2012, 03:03 AM
Yeah, that is aluminum. I polish my tunnel every season on my sled. I usually use mothers mag & alum. polish and elbow grease. Sometimes I use a powerball. For best results remove the black tunnel supports. Also if the aluminum has already oxidized, you can wet sand it like paint. Be prepared to use alot of towels.


I agree on all points. But will add. Buy a 36 pack of the cheapo white towels from Costco. And don't bother to try and wash them afterwards. Just throw them out. Or use them to wipe the dipstick when checking oil. Just don't let the powdery residue get into the engine.

master detailer
08-18-2012, 08:40 AM
lift the hood up and put a 2x4 in there to hold it upthen take a sheet and cover the motor area good .If it was me I would pull the seat off an drop the track .Then take a rope/strap and lift the rear end up in the air and leave the skis on the grownd. now you and sit down and work on it .ps use a buffer as much as you can then go to the hand hell lol have fun when its on the trail it looks sweet. put a real light coat of clear on it when your done to help with the salt.

Kevin Cullen
08-18-2012, 11:57 AM
Best way is to flash the aluminum with acid, aka aluminum brightner. This will take off all the oxidation and grime. By flash I mean leave the brightner on no more than 20 - 30 secs at a time before rinsing with water. Then use a good aluminum polish like Gords or Meguiars. If you want it done by machine get a green and a white Airway cotton 10 inch buffs that will fit on a angle grinder. Then go to town with the green buff and Gords. Clean all black residue off with corn starch and a soft cotton rag. Then go at other with the white buff and repeat the corn starch. Seal with klasse AIO or wax and you are done. Flashing makes the job half as easy. Be prepared to get REALLY DIRTY.

master detailer
08-18-2012, 01:15 PM
hey kevin are you for real ? Flashing makes the job half as easy. you dont know what you are saying. dont try to help any one till you help- your self.

Kevin Cullen
08-19-2012, 05:42 AM
Opps good catch. Should read " makes the job half as hard". Flashing does work and it is done by the people that polish aluminum on a regular basis. I should know I have been polishing aluminum for 17 years and have won awards on the truck.show arena.

Yes Master Detailer I am for real, do know what I am talking about, self help I do a lot of and made and sold my own metals polish retail. Fairly harsh words for not knowing who I am!