View Full Version : Red stain on floor mats! Suggestions?

08-16-2012, 09:02 AM
I have a new customers car this morning and have come across something I've not seen before and would like your advice.

There is a red stain on the rear mat (Volvo SW) and have tried Folex and APC with little success. What have you used to get out stubborn stains? TIA for you help.


Porsche Pilot
08-16-2012, 09:18 AM
I know I shouldnt post non AG products but sometimes you need to pull out the big guns...especially on red stains. It may be Kool Aid or some other type of food product. Check out Vacaway's products. They have a cleaner called Red Vanish. It should have no problem with that stain.

tuscarora dave
08-16-2012, 09:37 AM
soak the red stain liberally with clear ammonia. Allow it to dwell for about 5 minutes then scrub the stained area vigorously with a stiff bristled brush.

Next, get a white 100% cotton terry towel about the size of a tea towel, fold it in half and completely soak it with water and lay it over the stained area.

Take a pre-heated steam iron used for ironing clothes (on steam setting) and apply pressure over the soaked 100% cotton terry towel for 10 to 15 seconds and remove the iron.

At this point you should lift the towel off of the stained area and see red dye all over the towel. Repeat all of these steps (including the ammonia dwell and scrub) using a clean water soaked towel each time until you no longer get red dye in the towel after steaming with the iron.

I learned this tip from a "real" professional carpet cleaner. It doesn't always get 100% of the red out but often times it does.

If this doesn't get all the red out, you might want to search "Fabchem Inc. - RED ZONE" Copy & Paste. or get a new Mat if you don't want to do all of this.

tuscarora dave
08-16-2012, 09:42 AM
I know I shouldnt post non AG products but sometimes you need to pull out the big guns...especially on red stains. It may be Kool Aid or some other type of food product. Check out Vacaway's products. They have a cleaner called Red Vanish. It should have no problem with that stain.
AG needs to stock a red dye remover. It's not like this isn't a common issue for detailers to encounter.

Come on AG, what's up with not stocking a red dye remover?

08-16-2012, 10:46 AM
Amen to that! I have reddish purple dye on the rear hump of my '97 accord that I tried to get out. Since no one usually rides back there and I didn't want to spend money on any specialty dye, I just put a rear floor mat over the stain...but now that I read this thread, I'm going to think of the stain all the time!! AG definitely should stock red dye remover!

08-16-2012, 05:48 PM
Thanks tuscarora dave! I just got back from taking this customer her car back and she was excited to see her interior and mats cleaned. She had already thought that she was going to have to buy new mats.

This is good advice on cleaning the red stain from floor mats. It turns out this was Hawaiian Punch. I followed Dave's advice and it took about 8 times of following this process, but it was worth it. I just stopped in the middle of my detailing every 10 minutes or so and scrubbed, steamed and put back in the clear ammonia. It appeared the stain was out however, if you looked real close, you could see a faint spot once they dried.

There was also some of this stain on the carpet next to where the mat was. I thought this process might work on it as well, so I soaked a sponge with the ammonia and set it on top of the stain. After a few minutes, I laid the wet towel on the spot and applied the steam iron. I ran out of time before I got all of the stain completely out but I'm convinced if I had more time, I could have got it out as well.

I told her if she wanted me to finish getting out the small spot, she could just call me and I would come back and finish. She said it was fine like it is. I don't do this as a full time business so I don't have all the steamers and other equipment you professionals have. I do, nonetheless, want to do the best job I can.

Thanks again Dave for your advice. I hope I can help someone else along the way. You have seen the before pics so below is the after picture. It may not be perfect but it is surely an improvement. The most important detail is the customer was happy! :xyxthumbs:


primo spaghetti
08-17-2012, 08:53 AM
on my own mats, ive sprayed them with oxy clean spray and wash and tossed them in the washing machine...seems to work good for me.

tuscarora dave
08-17-2012, 09:02 AM
Thanks tuscarora dave! I just got back from taking this customer her car back and she was excited to see her interior and mats cleaned. She had already thought that she was going to have to buy new mats.

This is good advice on cleaning the red stain from floor mats. It turns out this was Hawaiian Punch. I followed Dave's advice and it took about 8 times of following this process, but it was worth it. I just stopped in the middle of my detailing every 10 minutes or so and scrubbed, steamed and put back in the clear ammonia. It appeared the stain was out however, if you looked real close, you could see a faint spot once they dried.

There was also some of this stain on the carpet next to where the mat was. I thought this process might work on it as well, so I soaked a sponge with the ammonia and set it on top of the stain. After a few minutes, I laid the wet towel on the spot and applied the steam iron. I ran out of time before I got all of the stain completely out but I'm convinced if I had more time, I could have got it out as well.

I told her if she wanted me to finish getting out the small spot, she could just call me and I would come back and finish. She said it was fine like it is. I don't do this as a full time business so I don't have all the steamers and other equipment you professionals have. I do, nonetheless, want to do the best job I can.

Thanks again Dave for your advice. I hope I can help someone else along the way. You have seen the before pics so below is the after picture. It may not be perfect but it is surely an improvement. The most important detail is the customer was happy! :xyxthumbs:

I'm glad to have been able to help. Happy customers keep coming back!! :dblthumb2: