View Full Version : Two things need clarified

04-10-2007, 10:31 PM
Been reading alot of posts, some that contradict each other. Hoping to get these clarified so I can buy or use the right stuff.

1. I sometimes read that a QD is used only after a wash. But now I have been reading it can be used between washes. Will a typical QD cause swirl marks by the light dust and other dirt? Should something like PB Spray and Wipe be used instead?

2. To get a wet look on an everyday car. Is this posible or will the wax wash away too quickly to really be able to enjoy the wet look? Right now I am using a Duragloss sealant topped with Natty's Blue. Looks damn good and reflective but not as wet as I had hoped. What is a good combination to use? And how long do you think it would last? Also, will the wet look of a wax with a lot of carnauba be dulled by a sealant?


04-10-2007, 10:36 PM
1. depends on dust/dirt level wheather or not swirls will be created. I use my QD as a wash multiple times between "washings."

2.You need to polish, probably with a machine, in order to get that really wet look.

04-10-2007, 10:43 PM
i never use QD as a wash because i wash my car once or twice a week anyways. I do use it if i am going to buff my car after washing it the day before. You can use it if the car isnt dirty at all, just a little dusting is as far as i would go with QD, if its any worse, you should just wash the car.
For wet look, yes polishing is what you need. Your car is probably swirled or oxidized and you need to remove all of that with a PC. Its very easy, a 1st grader could do it.

04-10-2007, 10:46 PM
1- I have been using #951 in between wash no problems. Light dust was removed.
2-Use #951 and that should bring back the wet look. What I have seen using #951 later in the day and next day it looks deeper.
I've always like the look of AIO top with a good wax. I'm planning on when I get time is #101,#105, then 24 hours later #105, 24 hours later Souveran paste on my truck.
Putting wax over a sealant, gives it an outstanding look IMO.

04-11-2007, 02:05 AM
the wet look is typically best achieve like tj said from polishing..a well prepped surface is what gives you the depth you are looking for...all the best waxes in the world will only look deep and wet when they are applied to a well prepped surface..."double dipping" (a carnuba on top of a sealant) typically yields the best long term results to get the wet look...glazes are the best short term solution to the wet look...

as far as "washing" the car with a qd...not a fan but i have done it....but there are products designed for inbetween care....your mention of spray and wipe - yes it is one of the better ones for inbetween care...qd's dont often have enough emulsifyers for "washing"...i am currently testing out a new waterless aio ...review to come in another thread..

04-11-2007, 06:03 AM
This is primarily why I describe a qd'er versus a qd'er+. Some qd'ers are great for spot cleaning and minor mess mid week. (Mothers Showtime, Poorboys Wash/Wipe). While the other qd'er+ products add gloss and sheen to fresh paint, or freshly washed paint, but are not all that great for cleaning. (FK425, Aquawax, Souveran Spray).

As far as wax, and wetness, well thats a common complaint. Waxes look terrific when new and super wet. Unfortunately after a wash or two all seems lost and the sparkle is gone. You can either rewax, or find yourself a qd'er+ that adds back the pop. Crystal Mist use to do this extremely well, but recently changed and Souveran Spray wax works better. Poorboys QW+ is another offering.