View Full Version : Video: Hologram removal w/Meguiar's over-the-counter Meg's UC

08-14-2012, 10:23 PM
I thought this would be good for new folks coming to the forum.

How to use Ultimate Compound - YouTube

Just goes to show that Meguiar's over the counter compounds and polishes live up to the Meguiar's reputation.

Notice that they're not necessarily removing all of the scratches, though I'm sure the product could, but they proved that they could remove the holograms.

I think it's a testament to the entire system used in that video, Meguiar's G110V2 w/ 7inch Meg's pad and Meguiar's Ultimate Compound. Just think what that could/would look like after using Meguiar's Ultimate Polish.

08-14-2012, 11:19 PM
It did a good job at removing the holograms but i haven't had any luck yet with it removing swirls on anything yet. I've only tried it on 3 cars so far though and they had a good amount of swirls. I've always had to use 205 or the 105 and 205 combo.

08-14-2012, 11:36 PM
That video is about 3 minutes too long, and needs a new music track...

08-14-2012, 11:50 PM
Those holograms look like they were done on purpose. Like to see swirls removed with a 7" pad on a DA. The vid would be 60 min. long for half the hood.

08-15-2012, 12:39 AM
Uc is awesome stuff well it has its place .. even via rotary but ya you gotta love it with them 7" pads its like all you see in meguiar videos lol

08-15-2012, 05:54 AM
I like Meg's products, they perform very well for me. I have used UC recently, with great success. What I like most about Megs is that I can go into any store and buy them off the shelf. No shipping costs, no waiting...boom...I have what I need. I know others really like and rave about all of the "boutique" or high end products here, but for me, I'm sold on Meg's. I recently purchased some XMT 360 AIO and have not been able to have it perform like the Meg's cleaner wax.
Just my two cents folks.

Mike Phillips
08-15-2012, 07:39 AM
I like that in the opening text overlay, the mention restoring clarity.

Anytime you're working on a clear coat, you have two goals,

1. Restore clarity
2. Make the paint as smooth as possible

By restoring clarity you can see the color underneath. By making the paint as smooth as possible you make the paint as glossy as possible.

I think we can all agree that a GREAT looking finish is glossy finish and in the case of a clear coat finish it's important to be able to see the color underneath the clear layer of paint. Defects like swirls, scratches, water spots and oxidation cloud our view so we can never fully see the paint under the clear. By removing surface defects you restore clarity.

I talk about that in this thread,

Making the Metallic Flake Pop! - Popping versus Muting (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/53021-making-metallic-flake-pop-popping-versus-muting.html)


And this thread,

Even show cars might need to be clayed... (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/42288-even-show-cars-might-need-clayed.html)

