View Full Version : Bumper Problem

08-13-2012, 01:08 PM
I suppose this might be better asked in a Body Shop forum....but, I thought you guys might be able to help here.

2004 Chevy Tahoe - Front Bumper Chips and Rust

Any ideas besides taking it to a paint shop and having it re-painted?

08-13-2012, 02:12 PM
Unless you want to use dr. colorchip on it. I think in the video it is spread over a large area to hide some chips. Can't hurt to try.

08-13-2012, 04:12 PM
You have so many chip marks on there. Dabbing each one is going to be a nightmare. I say repaint the whole bumper.

08-13-2012, 05:01 PM
You have so many chip marks on there. Dabbing each one is going to be a nightmare. I say repaint the whole bumper.
I remember watching someone smear it across the whole front to cover all the chips.

08-13-2012, 06:55 PM
I remember watching someone smear it across the whole front to cover all the chips.

I agree, it can be done this way with dr, color chip. The trick is how much pressure you use with the cleaner solution to remove excess paint afterwards. The first couple times you'll press to hard and remove it all. Then you'll get the hang of it.

08-14-2012, 06:23 AM
I remember watching someone smear it across the whole front to cover all the chips.

I agree, it can be done this way with dr, color chip. The trick is how much pressure you use with the cleaner solution to remove excess paint afterwards. The first couple times you'll press to hard and remove it all. Then you'll get the hang of it.

Well if you can do it like that, that might work. How long will it last without a clear though? I'd be compelled to want to abrade it and spray several coats of 2k clear.

08-14-2012, 06:31 AM
Iron-X and Dr. Colorchip?

Mike Phillips
08-14-2012, 06:45 AM
Any ideas besides taking it to a paint shop and having it re-painted?

Is this your truck or a customer's truck?

I would wonder, after I fix this is it just going to happen again?

If the answer is "yes", then I would look at the Dr. ColorChip system.

IF the answer is "no", for example you purchased the truck from someone that lived on a gravel road but now that you own the truck it won't be driven daily on a gravel road, then perhaps look at having it sprayed.


08-14-2012, 07:06 AM

There's a few different ways to approach this.

Take it to a paint shop and have them strip and refinish the entire bumper.
Refinish the bumper yourself, but you'll need to have a compressor and spray gun..
Refinish the bumper yourself either with a factory match paint from the dealer or paint supply shop or Dr. Color Chip.

The problem with the above solutions is in time, they'll succumb to the elements and road debris.

To improve the situation you're forced to do either 1 or 2. Now depending on your goal how much money or time you're willing to invest, and how long you'd like the area to remain decent there is hope.

3M Clear Bra

3M Clear Bra is a heavy vinyl film that acts as an invisible shield. This film is incredibly durable and lasts for years.

The area you've illustrated is low and out of direct sight. If you have some time and are up for a little adventure then why not give the Dy. Color Chip a try and once dry, cover it with a clear plastic film such as the 3M Clear Bra or similar product?

08-14-2012, 12:31 PM
Is this your truck or a customer's truck?

I would wonder, after I fix this is it just going to happen again?

If the answer is "yes", then I would look at the Dr. ColorChip system.

IF the answer is "no", for example you purchased the truck from someone that lived on a gravel road but now that you own the truck it won't be driven daily on a gravel road, then perhaps look at having it sprayed.


It is my truck Mike...bought it about 3 months ago. I suppose a re-spray is the way to go.

Thanks to ALL for your help!

08-14-2012, 01:19 PM
Just a reminder, don't use a clear bra, wax or paint sealant for 30 days after painting.