View Full Version : Correct Use of Speedy Surface Prep Towel

08-11-2012, 11:28 AM
From watching Mike's videos, I learned I've been moving too slowly when claying my car using a clay bar.

When using the Speedy surface prep towel alternative instead of a clay bar ... what's best practice? Fast hand speed as Mike demo-ed on the clay? Seems like that might be kinda rough on the paint ... but I thought the same thing about a clay bar, which is why I was moving it slowly across the surface.

Thanks for any info or suggestions.

08-12-2012, 10:57 AM
I've been using the speedy prep towel for a few months now and I use it just like I use clay. Some ONR mixed to clay lube strength and I use a fairly fast pace when I use the towel. Not wicked fast but not slow either.

The towel can mar the paint just like clay can. Ensure you break in the towel well on the glass first. Even after the break in it can mar softer paints. I'd just ensure you do a test spot to see if it's going to mar or not. If your polishing anyway I wouldn't worry about the marring so much. But if your not then definitely keep an eye out.

08-12-2012, 02:49 PM
Great point on breaking it in on glass. I need to clay my windows anyway. :-). Thank you for the info on hand speed.

08-12-2012, 04:14 PM
I use mine just like clay. They work awesome for glass as well as breaking them in.
I use more lube than with clay just to be safe. I like mine a lot!

08-12-2012, 09:04 PM
Thank you, Buckskincolt. I appreciate the feedback. Having dropped a slab of clay and having to throw it away, I also like the idea of being able to rinse off the Speedy Towel if I am that clumsy again. Which I probably will be.
Good point on the extra lube. I mixed some up from ONR, so I have plenty, and can easily make more.