View Full Version : Compound Dust

08-10-2012, 04:25 PM
I am half done with my first paint correction job and have been very pleased with the results. I am using a GG6, M105, WG Finish Glaze, WG Sealant combo. Is it normal to have compound "dust" all over the vehicle as I progress? Basically after each section I get a new thin layer of dust over the hood, top and on any side that I am working on. This stuff is really a nuisance and towels seem to only spread the stuff around rather than wiping it totally off. Besides this, everything is going well so far.


08-10-2012, 04:28 PM
Yes this is normal. Especially with M105. Once done with that step you can do a wash on the car to remove all the dust. Some do heavy washes with an APC but I prefer using a rinseless wash as it is quicker and meant for paint.