View Full Version : Interior surface question

08-10-2012, 08:49 AM
My car has this silver plastic area on the dash and I am wondering what would be best if anything to protect it with? The rest of the dash is vinyl and I will probably use 303AP on it (since I have a full bottle I need to use up) until I get something better but I'm not sure if I should use that on this silver area or just clean it and leave it alone.
Sorry for the bad pic but I had to take it with my phone and the sun was glaring on it, but I think you get the idea.
Thanks in advance for your help.


08-10-2012, 09:51 AM
I use CG Inner Clean on those plastics. I am sure the 303 would work good too. Just be sure to do a dry buff so it doesn't leave that area streaky.