View Full Version : Good Work... Poor Management.

08-09-2012, 11:53 AM
Here I sit on my IPhone outside the bumper repair shop. Monday I called the owner to drop my car off. I already received and estimate to get the front bumper repainted and some plastic flaws in it repaired. I think I was quoted $365.00 to do the job verbally on my last visit. Gave him a time I was dropping off the vehicle, was told "someone would be at the shop". Arrive at that time, not a soul at the shop. Called the owner, he said he is not sure where his employees are (it was the middle of the day).

When I set this repair up previously, I was told it was going to be an overnight repair. I dropped it off to the key slot in the door Monday (since the place was deserted), and didn't even get a call for an estimate until Tuesday afternoon. The car was supposed to be READY Tuesday, and I didn't ask for an estimate - I already had that. I just wanted the work done.

When I received the call Tuesday, I was told it would be "ready" by the end of the day Wednesday. Wednesday comes, no call. Finally at 2pm I call them and ask "What time can I pick up my vehicle?" Nobody answered, left a message. Around 4pm I get a call, I'm expecting to here "it's done, come get it". No. I'm then told it will now be done the NEXT day, Thursday.

I say, "when can I pick it up". I was told: 12:30 pm. It's now 12:33 as I type. My vehicle is done outside the shop, not a soul here, place I deserted.

Keep in mind I live an hour away from this shop. I had to rent a car just to get home and back. The rental is costing me $55.00 a day (includes full coverage), and I'm now in it for three days. With tax $188.00 just for the rental. It was SUPPOSED to be a one day rental, that is why I took the extra insurance. The car just sat at my house for three days and didn't move. I don't need extra insurance for a parked car that doesn't move (I have a second car, rental was purely to get to the shop and back.

Now, why would I ever deal with this place? Well, the bill to get the bumper refinished for *some* reason came to a total of $424.00 (including tax). That plus the rental car equals about $612.00. Now I'm I'm it for almost double the original estimate.

It's now 12:41......still not a soul here.

I brought an extra set of keys. The car is parked outside. Honestly, I'm sitting here on the back steps of this place and I feel like just BOLTING and stiffing them with the bill. Luckily I was off work this whole week. If not, this would have caused major problems.

A new key and clicker fob would cost me about $250.00 - I still would make out ahead. Honestly, I cant do it though. Now, do I sit here ALL DAY and wait for someone to show up? Or, do I leave and I have to drive back AN HOUR each way to get my keys. Who knows if someone will be here then???

Here are some before and after pictures. The actual work looks excellent to me. For $612.00 and some aggravation am I still ahead? What is the going cost to get a body shop to do this work? I originally went with this because the bumper had a small divot and some stress cracking on the surface and I figured a strait up body shop would only REPLACE the bumper, not repair it. So, I'm guess a new bumper starts at around $400 just for the part and I still would have to rent a car.

Here are some pics:














Did I get hosed (minus aggregation ?)

08-09-2012, 12:25 PM
I would take the car and leave them a note saying "you will get your check for $365 like you quoted over the phone when I recieve my key's. You guys have been as unprofessional as it gets, and have inconvienenced the #### out of me. Have a great day." You can try that. Good luck!

08-09-2012, 12:25 PM
1:01 pm someone shows up. Got $20 off the bill, even though I didn't complain. The thing is, I've used this shop before for PDR. PDR work was always EXCELLENT and, I was always able to wait. This is the first time I used them for paint. I also will use them again for PDR.

As long as the paint doesn't peel I'm very happy with the work. It's a good match, metallic flake too. No bad orange peel or noticeable overspray. I believe this work was done with the bumper on the car, that's their specialty: PDR, wheel repair, scratch and bumper repair.

While in the shop, I couldn't help but notice the Dewalt rotaries with the filthy blue 8" egg crate pads. There were chunks missing out of the pads surface. I've noticed this is a body shop and dealer standard: Dewalt rotaries and filthy pads with chunks missing out of them. I would love to see how bad the pad is when it's replaced. Funny thing is, I saw some new pads in the plastic with an inch of dust on them.

Anyway, i can't bash their methods since I'm pleased with the work.

One good thing, they are near a great hot dog shop:


08-09-2012, 12:30 PM
As long as your happy with the work, thats all that matters. That hot dog does look good.

08-09-2012, 01:04 PM
whats PDR? and whats that yellow dipping sauce?

That's pretty strange to go a couple of days and have no one there, you should've brought your spare key and took your car home and let them think it was stolen, then tell them a day later lol
so they never leave the lot/place unattended

08-09-2012, 01:31 PM
PDR is paint less dent repair. They can fix small dents by putting these special rods behind the panel to "massage" out the dent, without disturbing the factory paint.

To see before and afters of someone skilled in PDR is amazing. When I bought this vehicle the passenger side looked like someone got a rubber ball and shot it all along the body with a sling shot. Paint was intact. They were able to remove all dents perfectly (to my eyes) without any painting. That is how I discovered this place.

Now I have some very picky tiny dents on the passenger side I want removed. Basically, since I like their work, I'll use them again for that. That they can do while I wait.

I could probably find a more professionally ran shop, but who knows the quality of the work.

Just getting everyone's take on if they end up doing business with sloppy managed places/shops/vendors either because they like the work, out of convenience, or it's the only place that carries the brand of product you like - but, you hate doing business there.

The yellow stuff is Cheez Wiz for the fries.

08-09-2012, 01:31 PM
I have to have the same thing performed to my Challenger. A bird, believe it or not, flew into my bumper when I was driving home one day.

The charge to fix this is $500.00 plus tax. I was going to try Dr.Paint Chip but I don't believe it would have helped since this isn't the typical road-rash.

I have called the body shop several times to ensure the car will not be sitting anywhere. Even though I know the person well, I'm still leary about leaving the car as I fear one of them will try and do peel-outs or taking a joy drive. I will be logging in the miles just in case.

I was told the time they need to correct is one day. My other concern is that once that bumper has been painted, will they buff it out or does that have to wait until the paint cures. I have a car show next Saturday and I don't want any swirls. I'll be sure and ask him

08-09-2012, 01:34 PM
Like, sometimes I want something AG doesn't carry. So, I end up ordering it from a web site I know nothing about. Usually it's OK, but sometimes it goes bad.

08-09-2012, 01:44 PM
Hard to burn bridges with a shop that does quality work! Even if their customer service skills and professionalism are quite lacking. We geeks are a picky group and nothing but high quality work will please most of us. If it was me I would just suck it up and be happy that you are satisfied with the quality of repairs. However I would have taken issue that I was quoted $365 not a higher price and discussed that with the manager/owner.

08-09-2012, 01:46 PM
I would call the owner and calmly explain that you have always been pleased with the work...then recap everything that happened. Then tell him you've got the couple little dents in the side that you want PDR performed...and ask him what he can do. If it's something that only takes them a couple minutes he may do it free.

08-09-2012, 02:46 PM
The work does look good. Seems like when I get the run around like that the workmanship is no good, too, which really chaps my arse.

08-09-2012, 03:07 PM
Hard to burn bridges with a shop that does quality work! Even if their customer service skills and professionalism are quite lacking. We geeks are a picky group and nothing but high quality work will please most of us. If it was me I would just suck it up and be happy that you are satisfied with the quality of repairs. However I would have taken issue that I was quoted $365 not a higher price and discussed that with the manager/owner.

Good point. I hate arguing about money. Ill use a coupon on the Internet, but never at a store in person. They did knock $20.00 off, but I would have just paid it anyway. Luckily for any future work I can wait. The owner was out of town fixing a fleet of hail damaged cars. So, maybe this is an anomaly. I guess I'd rather jump through hoops and have good work than vice versa.

08-09-2012, 03:12 PM
I still think you should let him know exactly what happened...if he doesn't know it's broken he can't fix it! Be nice about it...then just mention that you'll be back to get the dents fixed and see what he says.

08-09-2012, 03:13 PM
A lot of the time I find that the really good quality guys are a bit hard to deal with but I give them a pass because I know they are few and far between. No excuse but it is a reality we all have to deal with sometimes. I would be sure (in a polite way) to let the owner know how his workers conduct business on his behalf when he is away! Remember you won't really be complaining to him but actually doing him a service. He can't fix the problem if he does not know it exists.

master detailer
08-09-2012, 03:39 PM
When I do jobs alot of time it takes longer then I said.But thats just the way I do things.If its not the best it can be I do it over till its the best it can be. thats is how I get lots of work and y the tips are so big. They see that I am doing it till its wright and they are glad they picked me. To be the best is to treat it as your own as mike would say.