View Full Version : Brain-Machine interface

08-08-2012, 01:23 PM
I love science...

Amazing Robot Controlled By Rat Brain Continues Progress | Singularity Hub (http://singularityhub.com/2010/10/06/videos-of-robot-controlled-by-rat-brain-amazing-technology-still-moving-forward/)

I can see some really cool stuff happening in the future.
Example being a prosthetic limb that you can not only control with your brain, but also have a sense of touch and feeling through it

Machine That Feels May Usher in 'Jedi' Prosthetics | Mind-Controlled Prosthetics Include Sensation | Sensory Signals & Motor Control, Robotic Prosthetics | LiveScience (http://www.livescience.com/16397-machine-sensation-mind-controlled-prosthetics.html)

Given the rat brain experiment, I think it will also pose some really interesting questions about the morality of these new practices. Like: The brain is out of the animal and the heart isn't beating. So one argument is that it is dead. But yet the brain is functioning enough to control a robot, so maybe it isn't and we need to take special consideration for more complex animals like dogs/monkeys/humans/etc.

Mike Phillips
08-08-2012, 03:36 PM
How about a robot that can buff out a car?
