View Full Version : Product selection for different types of trim (automotive)

08-07-2012, 03:30 PM
After looking at Nick's review of Gtechniq C4 Permanent Trim Restorer, I figured I had to have it. (Thus, must add Nick to the list of people who have cost me a Lot of money in the past month with their reviews, postings, videos .... current residents of said list: Mike P., Corey aka CEE DOG, and now Nick.)

I go out to my car (2011 Camry) to plan application of this product. I quickly realize there are about forty different areas where I might apply it, and much of the trim is made of different materials. I don't know if C4 is the best thing to use in any given case. I'll list them; hopefully some very knowledgeable person will suggest C4 on this and that ... PERL on the other .... 303 on ... you get the idea.

Starting at the front of the car,
A. grille is rectangular grid of black plastic
B. soft black gasket material around inside of hood opening
C. hard textured plastic at front (fan guard) and back (below windshield wipers) of engine compartment
D. heat shield on underside of hood, feels like a rubberized fabric

E. black shiny plastic on mounts for side mirrors
F. black semi-gloss plastic at B-pillars
G. soft gasket material around door and window, and around door well (not exposed to elements)
H. gasket at lower part of windows (exposed to elements)

I. black plastic or hard rubber around moon roof window
J. two accent lines of black plastic or hard rubber running front to back on the roof
K. soft gasket material around trunk opening
L. hard black textured plastic at lower edge of trunk opening, somebody called it a suitcase slider.

OK, I'll admit it's a small thing, but I'd like to put the best-performing product on each piece of this puzzle. I've also read a couple of questions people posted asking about individual trim pieces and thought this might establish a summary of suggestions all in one place.

Thanks for any suggestions you can provide. Now it's time to go watch Detailfest on Speed Channel ....

08-07-2012, 03:42 PM
Holy mackerel...The next time my my wife tells me I'm to anal about my rig, I'm showing her this post:)

I'm no expert but how about breaking it into 'hard' trim, and ' soft' trim. I put opti-seal (will use option-coat soon) on the hard stuff and a UTTG or a UK brand not sold on AG on the soft stuff.


08-07-2012, 04:46 PM
Anal? Ow. That hurt.
Heh. OK, not really. I knew it was over the top as I was typing, but figured since I'd gotten started, why not cover all of it at once instead of several small posts. If it provides a "hey, look at this. This guy is Really crazy" diversion for the spouse .... that's just a bonus. :)

Thanks for the suggestions.

08-07-2012, 06:07 PM
Oh snap, I was just kidding around. Hope I didn't offend!!!
My Apologies if so.

Lets face it, if you are a member of this forum, chances are there is some OCD/anal retentive action going on.

I'm actually curious as to what folks have to say.

08-07-2012, 06:11 PM
If we weren't all somewhat anal about our vehicles we wouldn't be on this forum...lol To the OP excellent questions! Everybody has their favorite trim products for each different type of trim and there is lots of info on the subject scattered in many posts. It would be nice to turn this into a consolidated and updated FAQ of some kind considering all the new products released in the past 6 months.

08-07-2012, 07:09 PM
DeadlySheds ... no worries, all in good fun; I was kidding, too. Like I said, when I looked at my post, I knew it was kinda out there, but I hope consolidation of info will be helpful.

stibuki ... thank you. One of the reasons I put it together this way was because I had read thru many of those posts you mentioned and failed to get a real handle on things, especially with all the new products coming out recently.