View Full Version : Reappearing brown spots on horizontal surfaces?

08-01-2012, 01:48 PM
Hey everyone, I have a problem on a car I used to drive daily. A month I stopped using it daily, and didn't get a chance maintain it for about a month. When I got to washing it, I started noticing these irregular brown spots all over the car. I washed it away, only to check back in a week and found that anything horizontal on my car is covered with these spots again. On recently waxed surfaces they come out relatively easy, but if I don't keep a fresh coat they won't even come out with a clay bar. The only thing that seems to work is to use bug/tree sap remover or some polish, but neither seem to be a good long term solution. Does any one have any ideas what I should do? I believe it might be coming from some tree nearby, but I can't park elsewhere due to city code.

http://i.imgur.com/rKEY4.jpg (http://imgur.com/rKEY4)
http://i.imgur.com/MyX3u.jpg (http://imgur.com/MyX3u)

08-01-2012, 02:28 PM
Do a google search on "artillery fungus". I've been cleaning it off my wife's car for about a month now. As you say, if you keep it waxed and check it daily, it comes off pretty easy. Diamondite bug eraser worked for me.