View Full Version : [Help] BIG Water spots on my brand new Mazda3

07-28-2012, 11:20 PM
It's been only a year since I've gotten this car.
Couple weeks ago, I Washed, Clayed, Waxed my car.

Few days later, there was a sprinkler that sprayed all over my car, and once I got back My car was full on wet because of it.
That left some water spots on the car, I thought that was just wax so I didnt really take the time to re-wash my car until today.

Today, I Washed and Clayed my car, but it was still there, So I was starting to get paranoid. I guess that was very stupid of me to leave it that long... Anyway, I started waxing my car and that seemed to have gotten rid of it a little bit but it was all still there.

While I was waxing, it started raining super hard, so I tried to get the wax out as much as I could, and few hours later, I gota take a look at my car, and it' these big water marks again, they came back twice as bad.

I am very scared and confused on how to counter this..

Can anyone please send me to the right direction ? I am willing to buy a car polisher, but being a college student, I am on a very limited budget.

Also what should I do ? What product should I use ? I dont want to use products that are too rough for the paint also since it's a brand new car.

Thank you so much

07-28-2012, 11:48 PM
One thing that'll help is not to park near those sprinklers if you can. You'll need a polish to remove those spots. You can pick up some Ultimate Polish locally and use it by hand with a foam applicator pad. Never let water sit on your paint, especially water that doesn't fall from the sky.

07-29-2012, 12:47 AM
Also, Thanks Rider. I guess i'll try and get a polish, along with Car Polisher tool. I was just not too sure if that was the right way to go since I heard Polish on a new paint is not good, but I guess cant be any worse than the spots.

Nothing wrong with polishing your paint since it is new. Most new cars just don't need polishing done on them, that's all.

You can look on Craigslist for a dual action polisher that's cheap.

07-29-2012, 01:17 AM
Try a paint cleaner first (Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion).

07-29-2012, 07:23 AM
You could always try washing the car with hot water. This will remove any wax that you have, but it also removes the hard water spots. If the spots appear to have left an "etched" in effect, you will then need a polisher with compound to clean it up.

07-29-2012, 07:36 AM
Buying a polisher may be a good idea, but I have gotten reclaimed water spots off my cars with a few products I could get locally without a machine even. I am sure meguiars ultimate polish will get a decent amount out, but if you need something more aggressive, the ultimate compound is available too! I never used a machine to get good results!

07-29-2012, 07:47 AM
If working by hand the most effective way is Meg's Ultimate Compound by hand with a terry cloth applicator. Then follow up with a microfiber applicator to finish. Use a lot of product , and then really work it over the waterspot with even pressure for about 2 minutes (this is why I said use a lot of product). This will dramatically help reduce the waterspot or most likely completely remove it.

07-29-2012, 09:10 AM
The odd thing is, rain usually doesn't leave water spots but anything out of a faucet will. Makes you wonder what's in our drinking water. I know most of the water spots are calcium carbonate, but I can't see that being added to water. Where is al this calcium coming from?

Also, I use Duragloss Water Spot Remover. It works pretty well if you get them right away on calcium based water spots. However, it sounds like the water spots here are etched into the paint.

07-29-2012, 09:23 AM
have you tried some white vinegar yet?

07-29-2012, 09:45 AM
Try a paint cleaner first (Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion).
Alternatively S100 Paint Enhancer (http://www.autogeek.net/s1shencl.html), which also available at your local cycle shop

07-29-2012, 06:52 PM
I will try white distilled vinegar, with ultimate polish, maybe today or next week depending on the rain stauts, since it's raining pretty hard right now lol

I'll let you guys know about the result.