View Full Version : Microfiber Wash

07-28-2012, 03:48 PM
Decided a few weeks ago to try the laundry detergent we've been buying from Costco to wash some of my microfiber towels. It's called Ecos and it's about $12 for a big 6.2L bottle. It's natural, PH neutral and does an amazing job of getting my dirtiest microfibers clean with no residue, I've been doing an extra rinse cycle though, which I normally do on my microfiber no matter what cleaner I use.

Just thought I'd pass it along as I've been way more impressed by this stuff than the CG Microfiber wash I've been using. Does a great job and is really economical. I use the recommended 1oz for roughly 20+ microfiber towels (Meguiars and CG brands, blue, yellow, waffle weave etc).