View Full Version : Nostalgia

07-23-2012, 10:51 PM
Spending a lot of time in the garage, cleaning up making room to park and detail the cars. While sifting through some old boxes I found some of my dad's stuff that I obviously grabbed when he passed away. I found this:


I remembered how he used to always be out washing and waxing my mom's Olds. I took a closer look and saw this:


Made in the USA, don't see that too often anymore, anywhere.

And finally, this one gave me a chuckle when I found it.


Dad used to swear by this stuff, I always argued with him that it was crap and that he should try some Meguiar's stuff. I was shocked to discover that this stuff is still being sold under the name "Turtle Wax F21" looks like it still comes in an obnoxious neon green container as well.

07-23-2012, 11:06 PM
My dad and I had and used both! Awesome!

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