View Full Version : Mega hard water spots! Help!

07-20-2012, 06:18 PM
A client of mine's Escalade has terrible water spots on the hood and fenders from sprinklers. I hit them with a D/A, Yellow CSS Pad, M105, @ speed 6 and they just wont budge... The look a little better, but you can still see the etchings in the light. I was thinking of sanding with 2500 grit then compounding with my rotary... Feed back please

P.S. - Used rotary at 1600 RPM, still no difference from the D/A performance.

07-20-2012, 07:03 PM
It sounds like they have etched into the paint quite far. Maybe try getting a magnifying glass or something to try and get a closer look at what is going on with the paint surface and the etchings from the water spots. If they are etched too deep it might not be worth it to pursue 100% defect removal... especially if this is just a daily.