View Full Version : Wolfgang Paintwork Polish Enhancer Question

07-19-2012, 08:56 PM
I used the Wolfgang Paintwork Polish Enhancer for the first time tonight...and I think I failed miserably at using it. For starters, just to get it out of the way first, I think applied way too much. I applied a nickel-sized amount on a primed foam pad (hand application) and spread it across my test area (half of my roof panel - a Honda CRZ). It went on rather thick...almost like glue. As I applied it, it got thinner and thinner until it finally almost lacked any color at all. I waited ten minutes for it to haze up, did a swipe test, and went to remove it with a microfiber towel. To my surprise, a white powder developed where ever I wiped! Even when I removed all the white powder that had formed, the surface of my paint still looked oily. 20 minutes of hand-buffing later, the test area finally looked clear and oil-free.

It was a bit of an unmitigated disaster. Glad I applied it only on half of my small roof as a test area first. I guess I have two questions:

Was that white powder stuff the result of over-application? Or was that white powder the result of the Paintwork Polish Enhancer removing my last LSP? It was a little unexpected, and I think I caused some swirls as a result of trying to remove the white powder.
I'm familiar with the oily look after buffing off several types of liquid waxes. Clearly I did add too much. For those that hand-apply the Wolfgang Paintwork Polish Enhancer, how much do you usually use on a foam pad, and how much area do you usually cover with that amount? Clearly, I can use some pointers in using this particular product.

Thanks in advance for your help, guys. I'm a bit bummed out at the small scratches I put on my car, but I'm trying to remain optimistic. After all, I'm sure I didn't do anything so terrible that it can't be fixed. Any advice here would be great.

07-19-2012, 09:30 PM
I would start by using less product. I have found this product to not work well in high humidity no matter what. Also there is no need to let it haze. Wipe it off immediately. Work the product until it is clear looking almost.

Sometimes I'll use IPA to help wipe it off.

07-20-2012, 06:29 PM
I think you used too much as well. I think some pics you see on priming will cause you to over priming the pad.

You really to do not need to apply much for a paint cleaner. You just apply maybe 5 to 6 dabs to start and then just enough to spread lightly over your work area. If you are a little low, just add a bit more to get even coverage. You need to stop buffing before it dries out.

Paint cleaners can dry if using too much and if not cleaned off the paint well and continued to be polished. If your paint is a mess (never been polished), expect to clean the pad even after ever panel.

07-21-2012, 06:04 AM
Hi, all. Thanks for all the advice. I took another attempt at using the Polish Enhancer yesterday, using much smaller amounts than I did the night before. I definitely used too much product in my first post. Instead of a dime-sized amount, I added little drops to my applicator pad. The Paintwork Polish Enhancer applied much thinner this time around (obviously), but also applied much easier and was WAY easier to remove. I guess this amounts to a lesson learned. When using the Wolfgang Paintwork Polish Enhancer by hand, a little bit of product goes a very long way. Those few dabs of product were able to cover 1/4 to 1/3 of a panel on my little Honda CRZ (not a large car at all).

Thanks for the help, guys!