View Full Version : Order of business: chips, scratches, etc...

07-19-2012, 05:29 PM
Hi. Just introduced myself over in the "Water Cooler" section. I recently purchased a 2006 Honda Pilot that needs some exterior TLC. It's got some rock chips on the front, some light scratches, swirling, and a couple deeper scratches you can feel with your fingernail. My question has to deal with the general order of getting this into shape (but would also like any product recommendations). Any action taken will be on a clean (washed) vehicle. I plan to clay the vehicle prior to any polishing or anything like that.

I'm assuming addressing the rock chips would be first or high on the list. I'll search for posts on fixing rock chips but would appreciate any tips/tricks, links to posts, or product recommendations.

Next, how should I address the deeper scratches I can feel with my fingernail? Is there a recommended product/process? Again, I assume this is pretty high on the list.

As for the lighter scratches and swirls... will machine polishing with a product like Pinnacle Advanced Swirl Remover help with straight light scratches in the clear-coat as well as swirls?

Is a finishing polish like a wax/protectant or is it done after swirl removing and before waxing?

I've got some pics but will have to post once I figure that out too. Thanks in advance!

07-19-2012, 06:17 PM
Check out this post:

It's about key repair, but it's the same idea for chip repair.
- Dr. Collorchip OR touch up paint
- Wet sand VERY lightly just to level the touch up paint.
- Compound
- Polish
- Protection

Just be VERY careful, cause Honda paint is crazy thin.. Very unforgiving.

07-19-2012, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the advice. That looks like a good post.