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07-06-2012, 08:05 AM
Hi! Well my car is looking great since I joined the group.
I am having frustration getting my windows clean without streaks.
I use stoners glass cleaner with glass microfiber towels.
I use one towel to clean, another to dry!
I haven't washed the towles yet. They all are brand new.
I have been washing windows every two week.
I assume I need to wash glass towels from the other towels.
Any suggestions? I am getting really frustrated.
I just bought some Megs window cleaner concentrate
I am thinking of using vinegar and water.
Please help!
I get mad when I take the car out and I see streaks when the windows are exposed to sunlight
Thanks for the help

07-06-2012, 08:23 AM
Switch to Sprayway glass cleaner and don't look back.

tuscarora dave
07-06-2012, 08:27 AM
I have been using the vinegar and water and it works much better cheaper but can still be frustrating at times. Glass is definitely an area where I need some improvement. I've had more luck with the "less is more" theory than with any product changes.

07-06-2012, 08:28 AM
I've gone through the same frustrations as you are having. After many trial and error trys over the years I've found the best results using these products and processes:

I use the same 2 towel method as you, but use Surgical Huck Towels (Google it). They are no lint cotton with a heavier weave towel with more substance than MF.

Tried many products and now use either Surf City Garage Clearly Better Glass Cleaner or 3D 50:1 concentrate mixed with Distilled Water. Both perform the same(but the 3D is much less expensive)--with the first wipe they leave a film on the glass that is removed by the second wipe--very easy to feel where you have wiped or not so it's very effective in removing any smear or streaks even in bad light--you know they are all removed when the whole window is slick like paint with a newly applied LSP.

BTW--always wash any new towel before using.

tuscarora dave
07-06-2012, 08:34 AM
I've gone through the same frustrations as you are having. After many trial and error trys over the years I've found the best results using these products and processes:

I use the same 2 towel method as you, but use Surgical Huck Towels (Google it). They are no lint cotton with a heavier weave towel with more substance than MF.

Tried many products and now use either Surf City Garage Clearly Better Glass Cleaner or 3D 50:1 concentrate mixed with Distilled Water. Both perform the same(but the 3D is much less expensive)--with the first wipe they leave a film on the glass that is removed by the second wipe--very easy to feel where you have wiped or not so it's very effective in removing any smear or streaks even in bad light--you know they are all removed when the whole window is slick like paint with a newly applied LSP.

BTW--always wash any new towel before using.
Where do you get your Huck surgical towels from? I have always read that this is the way to go but for some reason I am still struggling without them. I need to stop screwing around and just order some. Thanks for the tip.

07-06-2012, 08:48 AM
Try using one towel to clean, then leave that window and go to the next. Then grab a dry towel and buff the first window.

07-06-2012, 08:52 AM
Switch to Sprayway glass cleaner and don't look back.


Cheap too.

07-06-2012, 08:54 AM
Try using one towel to clean, then leave that window and go to the next. Then grab a dry towel and buff the first window.

This is what I do. Works great and no streaks. I use two microfiber rags...same as you. Maybe you have a little something extra on the windows that won't quite come off with the stoners?

Mike McDonald
07-06-2012, 09:20 AM
Try using one towel to clean, then leave that window and go to the next. Then grab a dry towel and buff the first window.

Exactly what I do, otherwise I streak the streaks.

This is why windows, fall second on my list of 'least favorite part of detailing'.

07-06-2012, 09:54 AM
I have the same thing. I have used stoners arasol can. I use it after I wash the entire car. The windows are just hard to get a clear finish. The first tine it was great, but since then its harder and harder. I use clean MF towels one for cleaning and one to polish. I drive many miles a day, and it builds up quick, seems more sticky then glass plus.

07-06-2012, 10:03 AM
I use newspaper and Stoners and have had great success!

Sent from my SCH-I500 using AG Online

07-06-2012, 10:07 AM
Ive always had the same problem, been using GG Glass cleaner and I like it but as far as streaking the best thing I have seen is cleaning the window, then going back and buffing it with a dry towel, seems simple but it works. I used to use the special glass towels and microfibers but the best thing for me personally has been either cotton towels or using Blue shop towels.

07-06-2012, 10:16 AM
I use ONR 1:16. No streaks!

07-06-2012, 10:38 AM
tusc dave/ towels by joe. a medical doctor that sells towels. love the surgical ones on windows. prices are worth checking out too.

07-06-2012, 10:46 AM
I use Sprayway with a paper towel and then follow that up with a little Sprayway on a window cleaning waffle microfiber rag and go back over the same portion of window that I just did with the paper towel. I have had really good luck with that process. Sprayway is on sell at Sam's Club 4 for less than $10.