View Full Version : finish kare

07-05-2012, 09:57 PM
How does the Finish Kare paint decontamination kit stack up to Iron X? Anyone tried both?

07-06-2012, 10:24 AM

Here's a thread I started about the same thing. Doesn't appear many have used it.

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Setec Astronomy
07-06-2012, 10:49 AM
I've used it, but I've never used Iron-X, only the Sonax FE wheel cleaner, which seems similar, but I've only used that on wheels, and only once, on only one wheel of a friend's car, did I ever get "bleeding".

(So I'm saying I'm not a good person to ask about Iron-X)

07-07-2012, 05:27 PM
Its a much different process ... the Finishkare kit works well and was a hit long before Iron-X came out. Both are nice products but one is a deeper clean (Finishkare) in my opinion but will take more time.

Old Tiger
07-07-2012, 09:03 PM
Its a much different process ... the Finishkare kit works well and was a hit long before Iron-X came out. Both are nice products but one is a deeper clean (Finishkare) in my opinion but will take more time.
Make that a LOT more time! IMO IronX Paste is better than either and a hell of a lot easier!

neat e34
07-07-2012, 10:13 PM
I haven't tried either of these but have the FK kit on its way to me.
This is for my own car & possibly close friends & family, so time spent, etc isn't an issue...

It would seem to me from product descriptions & reviews, etc that the FK system is designed to remove a broader range of contamination than IronX. However I wonder how it would stack up against TRIX?

Would be interesting to see a comparison, using FK then going over it with TRIX to see if anything was left behind & vice-versa...

It also seems to me that while IronX is something quick & easy that you could do once a month or every 3 months, the FK kit is the sort of thing you would do maybe once a year for a really deep clean.

As I say, no experience yet with either product, just my opinions...

Will try & do a review of the FK system when I use it (could be a while) & if I'm really keen may even get some IronX or TRIX for a side by side comparison

07-08-2012, 01:32 PM
Sounds good. Keep us posted!

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