View Full Version : Wax Removal before Chip Repair?

07-04-2012, 01:11 AM
I'm planning to repair some (many) paint chips on my 2004 Miata, using a Dr Colorchip kit. Should I remove the wax (Meguiars # 26) prior to using the chip repair kit? Would a simple wipe with alcohol be sufficient, or should I wash the areas with Dawn or similar prior to using alcohol. Any advice would be appreciated by a novice. Thanks.

Blackthorn One
07-04-2012, 04:03 AM
Absolutely. You must remove all wax and get the area completely clean before touch up. Otherwise the paint won't stick in some parts and you will have a mess. I would wash and then use mineral spirits, getting a clean section of rag for 3 swipes on each chip, to be sure all residue is removed.

07-04-2012, 05:57 AM
Thanks. The info is appreciated.

07-05-2012, 09:25 AM
When all else fails, read the directions. Pretty much fool proof.

07-05-2012, 10:02 AM
Let us know how it comes out and post some pics!