View Full Version : Suggestions for Interior Cleaners

07-01-2012, 02:43 PM
Was wondering what you folks might recommend for the beige interior of a 2006 Corvette. It's a top-down kinda thing and it's also my DD, so it gets a lot of use. Like everyone else, I don't want to spend too much time on it.

Right now, I'm using Armor-all on everything but the seats. On the seats, I'm using Meg's Leather Cleaner and Conditioner (evidently a one-step product).

I am running out of both and need to resupply and I guess the car looks OK with what I'm using. Armor-all has improved its product somewhat and streaking is not an issue as long as you a final wipe with a clean, dry microfiber.

Neither product works particularly well at removing dirt, however.

I guess I would like something with a tad more cleaning power and I would like to keep it two products.

I was thinking of going to the Ultima line - I think their two products are the interior gel and the protectorant - but I'm open to suggestions.

Thank you in advance.

07-01-2012, 03:19 PM
I would go with the Ultima Interior Shampoo Gel and Interior Protectant. I have not used these products, but have read reviews on them and they do what advertised.

I personally use Meguiar's APC+ 10:1 on really dirty seats and 20 or even 25:1 for lightly soiled seats. I usually follow that up with Chemical Guys Leather Conditioner or Eco Touch Leather Care.

07-01-2012, 03:26 PM
I use Chemical Guys Nonsense for all my interior cleaning needs diluted at 20:1 and 10:1 for heavier stains or cleaning. For leather seats I use nonsense also but for conditioner i love using Wolfgang, not overpowering and smells great.

07-01-2012, 03:41 PM
BMW Interior Cleaning Fluid. Available at any BMW dealer. dilutable by 50%, and only costs $6.00. Also it won't pull the color off some plastics like some stronger products do. Smell great, and leaves a matte sheen you can dress or not. You can also use it to safely clean leather. Any protectant that inhibits UV is ok, as long as you buff it dry. If you want to go mail order, LeatherMaster's is good. I just started using Prima Nourish and like it. However, I haven't found any leather product I consider amazing to maintain good leather. They all seem similar. My guess is that Ultima Interior Gaurd is amazing, but I haven't tried it yet.

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07-01-2012, 04:25 PM
I would go with the Ultima Interior Shampoo Gel and Interior Protectant. I have not used these products, but have read reviews on them and they do what advertised.

I personally use Meguiar's APC+ 10:1 on really dirty seats and 20 or even 25:1 for lightly soiled seats. I usually follow that up with Chemical Guys Leather Conditioner or Eco Touch Leather Care.
:iagree:+! You might want to look in the product review section and look at CeeDog's reviews of Ultima Products.

07-01-2012, 04:51 PM
I like 303 aerospace for vinyl/plastic - not too shiny and great protection from the sun. It can be used on the inside and outside of the car.they also have a carpet protector. I like leatherique for my leather seats.

07-01-2012, 05:23 PM
For a interior cleaner, I recommend Meguiars quick interior cleaner its a mild cleaner safe on any plastic, vinyl, leather, and can even clean navigation screens.
For protectant I use the afore mentioned 303 aerospace protectant

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07-01-2012, 05:43 PM
Daily clean up: Meguiars Quik Interior and Optimum Opti-Clean 3:1

Deep cleaning: Optimum OPC 10:1 or 6:1 followed by Optimum UV Protectant. On fabrics I like to use 303 Fabric Cleaner followed by 303 Fabric Guard.

07-01-2012, 06:30 PM
Optimums Powerclean for cleaning everything in a car. Then you can use 303, or Ultima to protect.

07-01-2012, 08:29 PM
Isn't there an OTC cleaning product that doesn't cost $20 a bottle that would work good on interiors? I don't mean to seem cheap or unsupportive of the detailing industry, but I need to seriously watch my money right now.

07-01-2012, 10:33 PM
Isn't there an OTC cleaning product that doesn't cost $20 a bottle that would work good on interiors? I don't mean to seem cheap or unsupportive of the detailing industry, but I need to seriously watch my money right now.

The only good OTC cleaner I can think of is Meguiars Quik interior Detailer. It's cheap and does a good job but won't remove any real heavy stains.

07-01-2012, 11:59 PM
I use megs interior and like it. Ag has it for $7 for 22 oz. That works out to around$40 per gallon. But when you compare it to opc @ $36 per gallon and you get 11 gallons at 10:1 dilution it really isn't that cheap. Once I use up my megs I already have a gallon of opc waiting.

07-02-2012, 12:58 AM
Lexol Leather Cleaner and Conditioner, Meguiars Supreme Shine Protectant. Neither product leaves a greasy feel.

07-02-2012, 12:58 AM
Isn't there an OTC cleaning product that doesn't cost $20 a bottle that would work good on interiors? I don't mean to seem cheap or unsupportive of the detailing industry, but I need to seriously watch my money right now.

I would put the following up against anything but OPC & Ultima Interior Guard Plus:

Meguiar's Quick Interior Detailer (Walmart, Advance Auto, Auto Zone)
Duragloss Leather Combo (Napa, Quest)
Folex (Home Depot, Lowe's)
Krud Kutter (Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's)

07-02-2012, 01:07 PM
I use the following:
Leather: Lexol cleaner and conditioner
Vinyl/Plastic: Vinylex but my last CG's order I picked up a bottle of Inner Clean and really like the matte look it leaves.
Carpet: Folex