View Full Version : What Determines Sealant Life when Layering

Fog Runner
04-03-2007, 07:24 AM
When you are layering sealants which one drives the longevity of the products? Like if you use something like the PB PwS as a all in one which puts down your first layer of sealant, then you go back and top that with something with a much longer life like Klasse HGS or DG 105. What would determine the life of this set up, will you get the benifit of the Klasse or 105, would the setup only last as long as the base coat(the PB PwS) or would the life be somewhere in the middle. I have alway wondered this and not just for the products mentioned, but how it works when layering different sealants. Hope I was clear on this question.


04-03-2007, 07:33 AM
im gonna suggest wg dgps. I feel its best for durability and appearance.

Mike T
04-03-2007, 08:22 AM
Well the base coat (PwS) will last as long as the secondary layers offer protection. As long as the PwS is topped, the durability should be their for a little while. Make sure you give each layer time to "cure" before applying another layer.

04-03-2007, 05:32 PM
Environment ....

04-03-2007, 05:47 PM
Quick question is there a need to put something over the pb pws or can it just be used after wash and clay. is there a need to put a coat of wax over the pb pws and when useing this product what pad should be used with the PB pws i have a pc and LC foam pads

04-03-2007, 05:57 PM
Environment ....

Nothing to do with sealent or whatever, however Mobil One or Mobil got caught in a jam. The story plays out like this. Mobil only tested their oil with engines not under load. Forcing GM to re-adjust their algorythmes(sp)( engine oil monitor, for the cars that use synthetic. What this all means is the environment; hot cold mild , oil capacity are all factors. With wax and or sealent, how hot, cold, chemical makeup of clearcoat,weather how often you wash all play a determining factors. It all depends.

Fog Runner
04-04-2007, 07:45 AM
I realize that the environment plays a huge roll in how long the sealant will last, and you really can't predict that. What I was wondering is if you put a base sealant down that usually last 2 months, then you come back and top it with a more durable sealant that usually last 6 months, do you get the 6 months of protection or because you have a less durable base sealant you would not get the full longevity of the topper?
This is what I was thinking, using PB PwS as a AIO to do some minor correction, cleaning and first coat of sealant.(choosing PwS because of correction capabilities) This seems to give protection for 6-8 weeks(obviously depending on environment), but then if you follow this with something like the DG 105 which is more like a 6 month sealant(depending on enironment) will you still get the 6 months because the DG protects the PwS or will the DG only last as long as the PwS base coat. Sorry If I am reading into this to much, I just hate to put down a layer of 105 if I can't reep the benefits.

Thanks Again for all the help


04-04-2007, 07:48 AM
IMO What REALLY makes or breaks a sealant, is a properly prepped surface, (PwS or new XMT 360 would work great here), followed by Klasse AIO (acrylic cleaner) then followed up by your sealant of choice. By the way, Klasse AIO is not much of a correction polish like PwS and has no abrasivness at all.

Sealants bond MUCH better to a cleaned surface by an acrylic cleaner, than they do if you were to just top them after using PwS or similar. Thus, resulting in better durability.

04-04-2007, 08:14 AM
i used wg finishing polish, which prepped the the paint for wg dgps. then i followed with sig series II, spray souveran, and keep it all up with CM as much as possible.

04-04-2007, 08:22 AM
i used wg finishing polish, which prepped the the paint for wg dgps. then i followed with sig series II, spray souveran, and keep it all up with CM as much as possible.

Good to see others use a FG. I too swear by it. After heavy polishing this is a MUST.

Depending on the condition of the paint, sometimes I would;

FG>Klasse AIO>sealant>wax

Generally FG have very small and light abrasives in them, which can be also used before polishing to remove light contaminants from the paint as well. Along with oils that freshly polished paint needs.

04-04-2007, 08:46 AM
Good to see others use a FG. I too swear by it. After heavy polishing this is a MUST.

Depending on the condition of the paint, sometimes I would;

FG>Klasse AIO>sealant>wax

Generally FG have very small and light abrasives in them, which can be also used before polishing to remove light contaminants from the paint as well. Along with oils that freshly polished paint needs.

I don't see why people don't use them. People will go and spend hundreds of dollars on waxes and sealants and whatnot, but they would use the final finishing step in polishing, which is a finishing glaze. Its the same idea as the XMT glaze or any glaze, but the WG FG doesnt have any carnauba in it, so you can top it with DGPS and wax. Are we the only sane ones here???? haha, i know there are a lot of people who DO yuse glazes so... its all good

04-04-2007, 09:12 AM
I don't see why people don't use them. People will go and spend hundreds of dollars on waxes and sealants and whatnot, but they would use the final finishing step in polishing, which is a finishing glaze. Its the same idea as the XMT glaze or any glaze, but the WG FG doesnt have any carnauba in it, so you can top it with DGPS and wax. Are we the only sane ones here???? haha, i know there are a lot of people who DO yuse glazes so... its all good

I think many are uneducated about some of the real uses of Klasse AIO. I am quick to remind them. ;)

Fog Runner
04-04-2007, 02:40 PM
I love the WG FG, I have a black truck and it just seems to give it that extra pop. I keep that stuff stocked on the shelf.