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06-29-2012, 09:48 AM
Happy Friday boys and girls!!!

Today is going to be kinda short but to kick off the freakin weekend, here's another FAIL video.

***DISCLAIMER...this video contains some adult language. If you're fairly sensitive, please DO NOT click on the video***

That said...here ya go:

Best Fails Of The Week 2 June 2012 || YDL - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?src_vid=6UFJWVIEzwQ&annotation_id=annotation_527825&v=6JJFjkyso18&feature=iv)

So I don't really have anything planned today. I got a couple of packages waiting for me, one being my Metro Vac n Blo that I sent in for repair. Nothing major...just needed the power cord replaced. The other is an order I place earlier this week..its a small order but one I'm excited for. You'll see in the unpacking thread. Hopefully I'll be testing out these new products on my scrap hood this weekend. I may wash my fiancee's ride as well. We'll probably run out for more suit shopping this weekend. Still haven't found the right linen suit to wear for my wedding.

Other than that, I don't have anything planned except to stay cool. It's gonna be in the 100's this weekend.

What do ya'll have planned?

06-29-2012, 11:46 AM
Happy Friday Alex and everyone else!!

I'll be busy this weekend. Helping cleaning up around the yard, helping out my grandparents with a small project and probably going to work with my dad tomorrow. I plan on doing some detailing during the night since it's in the 90's during the day.

Have a great rest of the day and enjoy the weekend!

06-29-2012, 11:50 AM
Same to you, Alko! And have a great weekend!

06-29-2012, 11:50 AM
I'm working toward the weekend.....and it's here!! :props:

06-29-2012, 01:50 PM
Happy Friday all. Nothing much going on here. Going to use up 1 or 2 of our wine tasting Groupon type things tomorrow and maybe a movie Sunday but that's pretty much it. I might give the Jeep a rinseless to get the week's dust off and I do need to scrub the stuck on dirt off the tires (they're brown and it's NOT from old tire shine lol). I didn't have time to do that last weekend and my back wouldn't have allowed it since I'd just finished 6 hours of polishing/etc. on the gf's car when I washed it lol.

06-29-2012, 01:59 PM
TGIF All!!

I have 2 cars being dropped off both co-workers as they are going out of town for 1 and the other 2 weeks. Ordered another $500 worth of supplies from AG to include a PC DA!! Time to retire the WaxMaster lol..

Two day work week next week then off for 5 days! Then I'll start jumping on these details :)

Man it's a hot one out today...

06-29-2012, 02:57 PM
Very excited to do my first full detail on a car thats not my own. It is my sons though.

He's home from med school and takes really good care of his car but hasn't had time

with his studies. Can't wait for some...:buffing::buffing:

Old Tiger
06-29-2012, 06:58 PM
Happy Friday!

06-29-2012, 07:30 PM
Happy Friday Alex and everyone else!!

I'll be busy this weekend. Helping cleaning up around the yard, helping out my grandparents with a small project and probably going to work with my dad tomorrow. I plan on doing some detailing during the night since it's in the 90's during the day.

Have a great rest of the day and enjoy the weekend!

Happy Friday Ryan! Sounds like good times with family....the grandparents and with your pops. Enjoy the time with them man. I might try to get up with my dad to show him how to wash his car properly. We haven't had a chance to do this.

I might have to wait until the evening to get some detailing done. It is just blazing out! I hope its not like this next weekend. Next weekend is the big detail on my car. I just need to pick up some Dr. Colorchip for the road rash.

Have a great weekend man!!!

Same to you, Alko! And have a great weekend!

Happy Friday Shaka!!! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!!!! Got any plans?

I'm working toward the weekend.....and it's here!! :props:

Happy Friday Bobby!!! Indeed it is my friend!!! I hope you have great weekend with whatever you plan on getting into.

Happy Friday all. Nothing much going on here. Going to use up 1 or 2 of our wine tasting Groupon type things tomorrow and maybe a movie Sunday but that's pretty much it. I might give the Jeep a rinseless to get the week's dust off and I do need to scrub the stuck on dirt off the tires (they're brown and it's NOT from old tire shine lol). I didn't have time to do that last weekend and my back wouldn't have allowed it since I'd just finished 6 hours of polishing/etc. on the gf's car when I washed it lol.

Happy Friday Charles!!! Another exciting weekend for you, I see. Sounds great man! Yeah thats gonna be me next week with back aching and everything. Have a good time with the GF. What you should do is go to the wine tasting, get drunk, and then go watch a movie. LOL!!! Have a greet weekend!!!

TGIF All!!

I have 2 cars being dropped off both co-workers as they are going out of town for 1 and the other 2 weeks. Ordered another $500 worth of supplies from AG to include a PC DA!! Time to retire the WaxMaster lol..

Two day work week next week then off for 5 days! Then I'll start jumping on these details :)

Man it's a hot one out today...

Happy Friday Joe!!! Great score on the two rides!!! What are you going to be doing? Congrats on the PC! You're gonna love it! Enjoy your weekend and have fun detailing those rides!

Very excited to do my first full detail on a car thats not my own. It is my sons though.

He's home from med school and takes really good care of his car but hasn't had time

with his studies. Can't wait for some...:buffing::buffing:

wwwwwwwwwooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo!!!! Get her done Chet!!! Happy Friday man...enjoy detailing the ride and spending time with your son! Sounds like you're gonna have a great weekend. Stay cool Chet!

Happy Friday!
JIM!!! Happy Friday to ya! Have an awesome weekend and remember..you're on deck next week!

Ted S.
06-29-2012, 08:47 PM
Damn, when the **** did friday happen???

06-29-2012, 08:57 PM
LMAO Ted...party hard last night huh?!

Ted S.
06-29-2012, 08:59 PM
LMAO Ted...party hard last night huh?!
Define party hard....if your definition is near anxiety attack, they yes, I partied pretty hard last night.Im the MAN

06-29-2012, 09:01 PM
well what happened AFTER the anxiety attack? Did you say eff it and start drinking adult beverages?

Ted S.
06-29-2012, 09:02 PM
well what happened AFTER the anxiety attack? Did you say eff it and start drinking adult beverages?
I'm not so sure it was a full blown anxiety attack, but I took half a pill I was perscribed for it, and that seemed to do something.

06-29-2012, 09:05 PM
Ahh...ok. Well I hope you don't have an anxiety attack tonight buddy...we need you well and detailing!