View Full Version : 1-step detail vs Showcar detail

06-27-2012, 04:59 PM
Hi guys, I just finished this project last weekend I thought it would be cool to have some side by side pictures showing the difference between a 1-step detail and Multiple step show car detail. (I did not photoshop at all, other than to put the pics together!) Hope you guys like it!!

On the left side: This was pretty much a once-over detail job.
Steps were as follows:
1. Mother's aluminum wheel cleaner.
2. Mother's California gold car wash.
3. Mother's California Gold carnauba Cleaner wax (liquid). (Did plastic bag trick, didn't feel the need for clay bar.)
4. P21s 100% carnauba wax.

I did everything by hand.
Total time: about 1h 30m

On the right side: This was a multiple step detail job.

1. Mother's aluminum wheel cleaner.
2. Mother's California gold car wash.
3. Mother's California gold clay bar. (Mother's Showtime as lube.)
4. P21s gloss enhancing paintwork cleanser.
5. Poorboys SSR1 with PC7424 (non XP) and a Lake Country’s CCS Dual Action 6.5 inch Smart Pad (white). (Only used SSR1 on roof of car due to some slight hard-water spots.)
6. Poorboys world white diamond show glaze. (1 coat)
7. Klasse AIO. (1 coat)
8. Klasse Sealant Glaze. (1 coat)
9. P21s 100% carnauba wax. (1 coat)
10. Wheel Wax.

Other than the PB SSR1, I did everything by hand.
Total time: About 14hrs.

Final thoughts: This was my first time using Poorboys white diamond glaze, and to be honest I didn't think it would make a big difference. But I think that it was a defining factor in getting the silver to pop. (Which in my experience is sometimes hard to do.)


Billy Baldone
06-27-2012, 05:26 PM
I have a Liquid silver 3 hatch also. Unfortunately, your pics aren't taken in the same light,one sunny, one overcast.I have done exactly what you have done, 1 quickie, 1 full, and to be honest I can't see that big of difference.Maybe it's because I have never let the car gt out of hand since day 1 either. Nice pics though. Do you notice that the front end of your car chips more than any other car you have ever owned? Mine sure does

Flash Gordon
06-27-2012, 05:30 PM
Sounds like a great way to kill an afternoon lol

Your car looks great BTW ;)

06-27-2012, 05:31 PM
Man what a difference the angle of the sun makes

06-27-2012, 05:34 PM
I have a Liquid silver 3 hatch also. Unfortunately, your pics aren't taken in the same light,one sunny, one overcast.I have done exactly what you have done, 1 quickie, 1 full, and to be honest I can't see that big of difference.Maybe it's because I have never let the car gt out of hand since day 1 either. Nice pics though. Do you notice that the front end of your car chips more than any other car you have ever owned? Mine sure does

YES! I have more rock chips on a 2010 mazda than a 98 camry with more than 6 times the mileage on the body! lol

I ended up purchasing the Dr.Colorchip paint chip kit off AGO to help with the problem. It works pretty well and the color is pretty close.

06-27-2012, 05:34 PM
That's a ton of work to do by hand but I'm impressed with the results and your car looks gorgeous!! :props:

06-27-2012, 06:47 PM

First of all - The car looks great, it seems you put a lot of effort into it with excellent results.

I do have a question about the process - I'm pretty sure that Klasse AIO, as a pre-wax cleaner, removes any coats under it. So it probably removed PB's White Diamond...?
Can anyone give his/her thoughts about this?

06-27-2012, 11:43 PM
Your pictures need to be the same color temperature in order to accurately compare the two. That being said, there is definitely a great improvement and the car looks awesome!

06-28-2012, 01:48 AM
Your pictures need to be the same color temperature in order to accurately compare the two. That being said, there is definitely a great improvement and the car looks awesome!

Yeah, unfortunately I tried to take both sets of pics around the same time. But when I finished it was sunny all week. Stupid San Diego weather! :p

06-28-2012, 05:49 AM
6. Poorboys world white diamond show glaze. (1 coat)
7. Klasse AIO. (1 coat)
8. Klasse Sealant Glaze. (1 coat)

Wouldn't Klasse AIO remove PB WWDSG as it is an AIO with cut and paint cleaners? I would probably skip that step.

Nice job though and besides the lighting hard to tell the difference in the pics.

Mike Phillips
06-28-2012, 08:23 AM
Well both cars look great!


06-28-2012, 06:13 PM

First of all - The car looks great, it seems you put a lot of effort into it with excellent results.

I do have a question about the process - I'm pretty sure that Klasse AIO, as a pre-wax cleaner, removes any coats under it. So it probably removed PB's White Diamond...?
Can anyone give his/her thoughts about this?

Wouldn't Klasse AIO remove PB WWDSG as it is an AIO with cut and paint cleaners? I would probably skip that step.

Nice job though and besides the lighting hard to tell the difference in the pics.

I wondered about this as well which was part of the reason I used an AIO. Next time I'll try a non cleaner wax/sealant, and let you guys know.

Well both cars look great!


Thanks Mike!

And Thanks to everyone else for the comments!