View Full Version : car wash brush, air powered

06-25-2012, 07:24 AM
I have searched quite a bit and am surprised this has not been invented yet (or maybe I didn't find it).
I am looking for something to aid in washing the car, something with a rotating brush perhaps even similar to an automated car wash, that is air powered. I say air powered because electric might be too risky with all the water you are dealing with. The air is simply used to create the motion, similar to an air tool like a DA. I would envision wetting the car with a hose as normal, but I think it would be pretty effective to have a brush/microfiber wash head that was automated. The only downside I see is that you might get splattered, depending on how fast you set it.
And for those who say "how lazy can i be", that's fine, but I could say the same for every other gadget we use out there. :)

06-25-2012, 07:30 AM
There are already water powered rotating brushes. I wouldn't use one as brushes will mar the paint. Even expensive boar's hair brushes will.

06-25-2012, 07:33 AM
No i don't like the water powered ones, they put out too much water and dilute the soap too much, that's why I specified air powered.
In terms of the material, like i said it could be a microfiber head too, not necessarily a brush.

06-25-2012, 08:27 AM
No i don't like the water powered ones, they put out too much water and dilute the soap too much, that's why I specified air powered.
In terms of the material, like i said it could be a microfiber head too, not necessarily a brush.
Using a powered brush of any kind with any kind of head (microfiber or not) will mar the paint. What's worse, an air powered brush would require an enormous compressor with a very high CFM rate. And...

What's really bad is that it would be a lot more work. Think about it... First you have to get soap and water on the car. Then you need to agitate the soapy water with your power head. Any kind of rotating brush head with attached air (or water) hose will be heavy. So you take a few passes with the brush head and then dunk it in water to get it clean. And then repeat. Over and over and over. You'll be exhausted at the end and the paint WILL be scratched.

Get a foam gun, a couple of buckets with grit guards, and a Merino wool wash mitt, auto wash mitt, sheepskin wash mitt (http://www.autogeek.net/carpro-wool-wash-mitt.html). This combo works well and is minimal effort. If you've applied a good sealant, washing becomes VERY easy.

OTOH, if you want to spend lots of money, screw up your paint, and work harder, a rotating brush might be just the ticket.



p.s. You won't find too many people on this or any other detailing forum who would ever use a rotating brush to wash their car.

06-25-2012, 08:31 AM
Maybe keep the brush fixed and invent a rotating car

06-25-2012, 09:18 AM
Thanks Dan, you raised some good points. You're probably right about the weight of the assembly, especially when wet, causing more effort and strain than if I were to just hand wash it.
I did recently buy a Tornador foam gun and I like it a lot.

06-25-2012, 10:03 AM
Maybe keep the brush fixed and invent a rotating car

Now that's what I'm talking about!!!!

06-25-2012, 10:20 AM
I know, put the car on a rotisserie that automatically rotates the car slowly, while on the ground it comes in contact with a huge rotating brush like a shoe shine brush. After a couple passes the car should look squeaky clean, and nicely dull.

06-25-2012, 10:22 AM
I know, put the car on a rotisserie that automatically rotates the car slowly, while on the ground it comes in contact with a huge rotating brush like a shoe shine brush. After a couple passes the car should look squeaky clean, and nicely dull.

At least you can take a little humor....some can't do that ;)

06-25-2012, 01:59 PM
At least you can take a little humor....some can't do that ;)

Yep, I'm no stranger to forums and know it's just not worth getting offended. Just makes the other guy satisfied he got under your skin, while raising your blood pressure. Everyone needs a little humor once in a while.