View Full Version : cr spotless setup - how should I

06-22-2012, 08:47 PM
so I got myself a single 20" canister cr spotless system . I'm not sure where to place the cr spotless within my setup ? when I run water from a portable tank, to a pump and then to a pressure washer . do I place the canister before or after the pump ? does it even matter ? I have not tried running water straight from the pump yet only through a pressure washer . pump is capable of 3.3 gallons per min which is more than the pressure washer at 1.4 gpm . not sure if the pump is capable at 3.3 gpm to do the sheeting method , i don't see why not as I heard people just pour distilled out of a jug . so where does the cr spotless fit in to my setup? thanks ahead for the help and info

Setec Astronomy
06-22-2012, 09:31 PM
You need to have the CR after the pump. The pump suction won't pull through the CR resin bed. Either that or leave the CR at home and run the water through there before you fill the tank. Only problem with that is you may have algae problems in the tank if the water sits in there because you will be taking the chlorine out of the water.

06-24-2012, 05:02 PM
thanks for the info . I'm gonna give a go on just ro water check out the spotting if any then , try with cr . I won't always be able to have ro water on hand so cr will come in handy. can u really wash and rinse with cr in direct sun with no sporting ?

06-24-2012, 06:20 PM
When I "volunteered" to help a friend get his in the water boat ready for a show.

I filled up a fifty gallon plastic barrel with water from a hose, through my pre-filter, through my dual cartridge CR into the barrel.
Then when we got out to his boat the water went from the barrel into a 12volt electric pump to my gas pressure washer which was used for the first washdown and the final rinse.
Even though the boat (yacht) was 67 feet I still only used 40 gallons. For the intermediate washing we used his on board water supply, which was full and was 800 gallons.

When I am washing at home I only use the CR filtered water for the final rinse. It's too expensive to use it for everything.

07-05-2012, 11:30 AM
cr users . can someone explain to me how to care for the resin/cartridge when not used for a extended period of time or for say winter storage . I emailed cr with no response .

07-05-2012, 11:39 AM
Where did you get the single system? I checked their website and couldn't find it, all were dual tanks. I saw it on Amazon, but was afraid it was bogus because it wasn't on CRs website

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?rhdtqv

07-05-2012, 01:18 PM
I got it through sams club . maybe try sams search using the exact model number of that single cr spotless . dig around a little more . I just got mine like 2-3 weeks ago

07-05-2012, 01:21 PM
di-120 is the model number . I just did a google search and up came sams club along with many others . click on that and should direct u right to it

07-05-2012, 01:23 PM
I actually sent cr a email asking about it to . maybe it's a discontinued model idk , but doesn't matter . it all takes the same resin , cartridges .... . mine came packaged in cr box with all the stickers and instructions . I'd have to say its genuine cr spotless .

07-05-2012, 03:45 PM
If your not going to use the system for more than 6-8 weeks i would remove the filter from the housing and let it dry out.