View Full Version : WOWO Mental Block???

06-15-2012, 11:16 AM
Anyone else have any sort of weird mental hang up with a WOWO wax??

I got the truck cleaned up this week; all polished up and one coat of BFWD. Decided I wanted to top it with something…no idea why, just another one of those habits we all have! I hadn't used the SSII in a while, so I broke out the jar. Truck obviously looks amazing, but I got to thinking and remembered why it's been a while since I used it.

I have a hang-up with WOWO products. I can't help but feel like I'm applying this oily product that's gonna leave the paint looking awesome, but then it's going to be washed away next time I wash the vehicle. I think I slid away from the SSII the last time because of the (lack of) durability.

Anyways, this is not a thread intended to bag on SSII, but just curious if I'm on the right track and/or how that (any WOWO) product sticks to the surface to hang around and provide protection.

You guys have an opinion or thought on adding SSII over BFWD? I'm 'assuming' the SSII application does not remove any of the sealant, and that layer of sealant should provide some durability that you won't get from the carnuba, yea??

06-16-2012, 11:24 AM
So I'm the only one that feels this way, LOL?

Vegas Transplant
06-16-2012, 12:58 PM
I was "blocked" until I decided upon OOS (approx. $25 and OCW (approx. $50/gal). Both WOWA products, with proven durability.
Best decision I've made recently .

Might be a good time to try out BF WOWA products.

Also, when you rewash, can apply new (either of the above) coat in a fraction of time of regular waxing or sealing - with the same desired bling.

My only issue wil be when temps, fall again this winter, as OCW doesn't play well in colder temps (streaking).
Will probably just go with 845 and ONR as qd during winter.