View Full Version : Bruno Massel - Inside the Detailer's Pro Series Dragster!

Nick McKees37
06-12-2012, 07:41 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/c41.0.843.403/p843x403/540227_10151150685734989_62664969988_13209532_2027 451666_n.jpg

Detailer’s Pro Series Waxes and Cleaners and Former NHRA World Champ Bruno Massel have teamed up to campaign a new turbocharged dragster in NHRA’s Competition Eliminator. “To say I’m really excited about the new car is an understatement,” said Massel. I began working with Palm Beach Motoring Group last year, which is the parent company of Detailer’s Pro Series. They were looking for a new way to promote the brand and I’m glad they chose my racing program.”.......CONTINUED AT LINK

MASSEL DEBUTS NEW COMP ELIMINATOR DRAGSTER (http://www.competitionplus.com/drag-racing/news/21432-massel-debuts-new-comp-eliminator-dragster)
