View Full Version : What do you use your steamer for?

06-11-2012, 02:25 PM
I just got one of those cheap little $100 McCulloch steam cleaners and I think it is one of the best investments I have made in my detailing arsenal. I can't even imagine how well some of the more expensive steamers would work... Now I can clean dirty, sticky cup holders in a matter of seconds!

The other day I worked on a truck that sits under a pine tree all the time and it was covered with baked on tree sap. Bug & Tar remover did nothing, clay did nothing, plastic razor blade did nothing. Got out the steamer, wrapped the tip with a dry MF towel, and steamed the tree sap right off. IT WAS AMAZING!

What do you all use your steamers for?

06-11-2012, 03:19 PM
I picked one up this weekend from Harbor Freight sale for $50 was wondering what all i could use it for.

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06-11-2012, 03:24 PM
I just got one of those cheap little $100 McCulloch steam cleaners and I think it is one of the best investments I have made in my detailing arsenal. I can't even imagine how well some of the more expensive steamers would work... Now I can clean dirty, sticky cup holders in a matter of seconds!

The other day I worked on a truck that sits under a pine tree all the time and it was covered with baked on tree sap. Bug & Tar remover did nothing, clay did nothing, plastic razor blade did nothing. Got out the steamer, wrapped the tip with a dry MF towel, and steamed the tree sap right off. IT WAS AMAZING!

What do you all use your steamers for?

Clams & Lobster!! :D

My Bad.....I don't have one.....http://www.detailcity.org/forums/images/smilies/cry.gif

06-11-2012, 03:29 PM
Clams & Lobster!! :D

My Bad.....I don't have one.....http://www.detailcity.org/forums/images/smilies/cry.gif

LOL it's okay, I don't have any clams or lobsters...

06-11-2012, 03:37 PM
I've thought about getting one but the ones I've looked at are like $600.00+ and those are too rich for my blood similarity are the hot water extractors at $800.00+.....:eek:

I didn't realize this one was available at such a reasonable cost and it also gets good reviews...:props:

Mobile detail
06-11-2012, 04:23 PM
Man, I use it for everything now. I have the VX5000. I use it in my house a lot. My wife loves it. We have a tile kitchen with light grout and it cleans both super easy and there is no smell of chemicals. I have a 4 month old and I don't like her being exposed to that stuff.

I use it for detailing all the time. I can sell a "quick" interior and get it done in less than 30 mins. Its really nice when you just use some APC, a terry cloth towel and hit the carpets and leather. The proof is in the rag. Customers see that and then usually wanna go with the full detail and extractor.

That being said, if I didn't have my Mytee Spyder to use in conjunction with the steamer, I'd be SOL. The steamer does a great job of breaking up the gunk, but then its just sitting there and not pulled out.

The only problem I have ever had with the steam is when I'm cleaning door pannels and some leather. I've had it turn the black window buttoms chalky and pull some color out of the leather. This usually only happens on older cars or Fords for some reason. Overall, I can't imagine not having steam and wish I had bought a steamer a long time ago.

06-11-2012, 04:30 PM
Man, I use it for everything now. I have the VX5000. I use it in my house a lot. My wife loves it. We have a tile kitchen with light grout and it cleans both super easy and there is no smell of chemicals. I have a 4 month old and I don't like her being exposed to that stuff.

I use it for detailing all the time. I can sell a "quick" interior and get it done in less than 30 mins. Its really nice when you just use some APC, a terry cloth towel and hit the carpets and leather. The proof is in the rag. Customers see that and then usually wanna go with the full detail and extractor.

That being said, if I didn't have my Mytee Spyder to use in conjunction with the steamer, I'd be SOL. The steamer does a great job of breaking up the gunk, but then its just sitting there and not pulled out.

The only problem I have ever had with the steam is when I'm cleaning door pannels and some leather. I've had it turn the black window buttoms chalky and pull some color out of the leather. This usually only happens on older cars or Fords for some reason. Overall, I can't imagine not having steam and wish I had bought a steamer a long time ago.
so what is the remedy for turning the black window buttoms chalky and pull some color out of the leather.

Bates Detailing
06-11-2012, 04:48 PM
I've got 2 vx5000s and use them both everyday. We use for :

Blasting cracks and crevices
Some rims (rare though)
Odor removal (before getting ozone generator) - we still steam before ozone generating
Jambs (for a thorough cleaning)
Those stains between the seat and the center console
And Im sure much much more....

I DON"T USE ON LEATHER - I have before and have seen plenty of people do it, but I feel it is a bit too aggressive for the leather.

Mobile detail
06-11-2012, 05:28 PM
so what is the remedy for turning the black window buttoms chalky and pull some color out of the leather.

I dunno. It has only happened on really bad leather that is torn and worn badly. As far as the buttons, I was SOL on those. I think B&B has an answer to that but I don't. I get scared using it sometimes in certain situations. I won't go over door pannels/dashes with it. I can usually tell looking at the leather if its going to give me problems.

06-11-2012, 05:49 PM
I dunno. It has only happened on really bad leather that is torn and worn badly. As far as the buttons, I was SOL on those. I think B&B has an answer to that but I don't. I get scared using it sometimes in certain situations. I won't go over door pannels/dashes with it. I can usually tell looking at the leather if its going to give me problems.

I wonder if it was the paint from the white painted icons for the "up/down" window buttons that was causing the plastic to look chalky?

Bates Detailing
06-11-2012, 06:22 PM
When used on old components it will "oxidize" I guess you can say if you are not careful - and sometimes even if you are careful. If you take your favorite interior shine for black components (I have a specific spray solely for black) and let it sit for an extended period of time it soaks in and brings it back to life. I learned this when intentionally testing the aggression of steam use on these components in my work truck. I immediately sprayed the grayed area with the shine, let sit while completing other tasks on the interior, came back and resprayed then wiped in - the components have stayed original color since. I have used this method on the rare occurrence of it happening to clients vehicles and have had no issues with call backs. With all this said, we do not steam those components due to this issue any more - those areas all get apc'ed and brushed..... no since in chancing it. This is also why I think there is no need to increase the power of the vx5000 - it can be destructive at the original psi if not careful, I couldn't imagine increasing the power.

06-11-2012, 07:25 PM
Clams & Lobster!! :D

My Bad.....I don't have one.....http://www.detailcity.org/forums/images/smilies/cry.gif


The only steamer I have is a vegetable steamer.

I do sneak some of my stuff in the dishwasher to get it sparkly clean though..... Buckets, Brushes, plastic caddy for my bottles etc.

06-11-2012, 09:14 PM
I steam cleaned the grout of my kitchen floor in my previous house the night before the open house. Grout looked great for 48 hours! I've never used it on my car.

But I do have some TOGW to remove (that I put there, ha-ha), and I'll test my little steamer to see if it blasts the old wax out.

06-11-2012, 09:29 PM
I steam cleaned the grout of my kitchen floor in my previous house the night before the open house. Grout looked great for 48 hours! I've never used it on my car.

But I do have some TOGW to remove (that I put there, ha-ha), and I'll test my little steamer to see if it blasts the old wax out.

I ran across some TOGW in the clear protector in the rear fender on a 350Z would the steamer work there or would it loosen the clear protector?

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06-12-2012, 08:30 AM
I don't know. Maybe one of our more experienced detailers can weigh in on this one?

I ran across some TOGW in the clear protector in the rear fender on a 350Z would the steamer work there or would it loosen the clear protector?

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