View Full Version : High ph wheel cleaners and safely cleaning wheels?

06-07-2012, 02:20 AM
So lately I've been on a quest for the perfect wheel cleaner- something that will easily and quickly remove ALL brake dust from abused and neglected dd's and is completely safe for all wheels. Oh yeah, and I'll be going through a lot of it, so cost is a factor, but honestly, out of effectiveness, safety (the wheel's safety, not mine), and cost, cost is the least important factor. Looking for this magical, perfect wheel cleaner feels like I'm hunting unicorns.

I've been using Eagle 1 A2Z All Wheel and Tire Cleaner. It's a high ph cleaner, but after the way it ate through the skin on my hands the other day, I've started to get nervous about using it on other people's cars. I've looked into ARO and Royal Brown, and it seems to me like they're probably all in the same family of highly alkaline, highly caustic cleaners.

So my question is, what should I used to quickly, effectively, and safely clean wheels and tires?

P.S.- Don't say APC at such and such ratio. I'm talking about wheels that are way beyond anything an APC could handle. You're typical DD that has had NO care outside of the gas station swirl-o-matics for the past 5 years, and has 5+ years of baked on brake dust that no one has EVER attempted to remove.

06-07-2012, 06:03 AM
My favorites so far are:
Griots Heavy Duty wheel cleaner.
Sonax FE
Brown Royal
Iron x for the severely neglected wheels.

I've also found that when using Griots HDWC, you can cut it one to one and not seem to lose much cleaning ability.

06-07-2012, 12:43 PM
What are the risks of damaging a wheel with the high ph cleaners like Brown Royal and ARO?

06-07-2012, 01:08 PM
High ph cleaners are basic, eagle one is good, but very acidic, use something like mothers all wheel and tire cleaner and spray on wait a bit and scrub. It will come right off. High acidic cleaners can damage the clear coat and metal on rims.

06-07-2012, 01:16 PM
Brown Royal is not acidic and will not damage the wheel unlike acidic wheel cleaners.

06-07-2012, 04:21 PM
High ph cleaners are basic, eagle one is good, but very acidic

Eagle 1 A2Z All Wheel Cleaner is alkaline. It's a base. The ph is 13.5