View Full Version : Happy Friday!!! (already?!)

06-01-2012, 08:49 AM
Happy Friday Boys and Girls!!!

Man this week FLEW by. The 4 day work week sure was nice…I wish it was like this every week!

No FAILS this week…I haven’t come across any good ones. Hopefully I’ll have one for ya’ll next week, but in the mean time, I’ve been playing this song all week. I first heard it from the movie O’ Brother Where Art Thou (funny movie btw). The guy in the clip, playing the guitar and singing the song, is an actual artist by the name of Chris Thomas King and his album “The Roots” is great! I’m just now getting into the Blues and I gotta say I’m lovin it!

Chris Thomas King - Hard Time Killing Floor Blues - YouTube

So this weekend they’re calling for rain. Looks like the only decent day will be Saturday, so I may try to detail the inside of my car (still haven’t done that yet), as well as wash my fiancee’s car. Other than that I have no plans and will play it by ear.

So what about you guys and gals? What do ya’ll have planned?

06-01-2012, 09:03 AM
Happy Friday everyone!!! I am going to Atlantic City this weekend so hopefully I will come back positive. Wish me luck :dblthumb2:

06-01-2012, 09:09 AM
How about...LADY luck:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs40BQKj-i8]Frank Sinatra - Luck be a Lady Tonight - YouTube[/video]

06-01-2012, 09:14 AM
It just rained down here last night, so a ONR wash is in order as soon as i get off at noon :) . Happy friday!

06-01-2012, 09:24 AM
"Man this week FLEW by".

It seems as if the first 5 (five) months of year 2012 has flown by as well!!

"The 4 day work week sure was nice…I wish it was like this every week"!

Yeah...I do faintly remember those short work-weeks :D

"So what about you guys and gals? What do ya’ll have planned"?

-Our Club's: "30th Anniversary Cruise-In"...on Saturday.
-Troy, Ohio's: "Annual Strawberry Festival"...on Sunday...(YUMMMM YUMMMM...For the TUMTUM!!!)

Here's hoping your week-end goes as planned, my friend...Enjoy!!



Porsche Pilot
06-01-2012, 10:45 AM
Happy Friday and Happy June! Today is the start of hurricane season and a good reminder for everyone in the east to start mentally preparing.

Rain is forecast AGAIN for North Florida so no detailing for me. I have several jobs backed up but we just cant get a break. No big weekend plans for the Pilot's. I am headed down to Orlando on Sunday for a weeklong conference. Mrs. Pilot will most certainly enjoy the time away...from me. She was more than weclomed to join me but said that I embarass her too much. The last time we were at Disney I would run, screaming like a 5 year old, up to any Disney character that came around. Picture me running with my arms stretched out yelling Goofy!! I do it just to annoy her. How I am not single I dont know.

Other than that, have a great weekend everyone!

06-01-2012, 11:06 AM
Happy Friday Alex!!! Hope everything's well!

Nothing planned for me. Just relax. Wish I can detail but it's blasting here at +110F! I can't even wash my car properly LOL! The MB is worthless in this heat. The water dries before you can blow them out.

06-01-2012, 11:57 AM
TGIF Everyone!

06-01-2012, 12:31 PM
It just rained down here last night, so a ONR wash is in order as soon as i get off at noon :) . Happy friday!

The sky is about to open up out here and dump. From what I hear we're in for some bad weather. Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Here's hoping your week-end goes as planned, my friend...Enjoy!!



Thanks Bob! Happy Friday to ya! You're absolutely right man...this year is FLYING by!

Sounds like you're going to have a great weekend. The strawberry fest is in Ohio? I hope you have a fantastic weekend Bob!!

The last time we were at Disney I would run, screaming like a 5 year old, up to any Disney character that came around. Picture me running with my arms stretched out yelling Goofy!! I do it just to annoy her. How I am not single I dont know.

Other than that, have a great weekend everyone!

.....shaking my head slowly.....oh my goodness Ed...you are a Grade A clown...LMAO!!!! Thats freakin hilarious! I wish I could see that. Next time you do that, strap a Go Pro cam on your head! Be safe down there and have a great weekend.

Happy Friday Alex!!! Hope everything's well!

Nothing planned for me. Just relax. Wish I can detail but it's blasting here at +110F! I can't even wash my car properly LOL! The MB is worthless in this heat. The water dries before you can blow them out.

Happy Friday Marc!!! Everything is good on my end, friend. Just been busy with the wedding stuff. It has officially kicked into high gear-alittle over 2.5 months to go. *PANIC!!!!!*

WOW...110+ and its only the beginning of June...what the heck are ya'lls summers like?!?! A canopy ain't even helping with that heat. You might as well stick with rinseless washes and dry each panel as you go. Whew!!!!

Whatever you do this weekend have fun man...hope all is well on your end! Have a great weekend!!

TGIF Everyone!

Happy Friday Joe!!! I hope you enjoy your weekend!!!

06-01-2012, 01:21 PM
Happy Friday fellow geeks!

So what about you guys and gals? What do ya’ll have planned?

Today my bimmer is getting a thorough vacuum and dressing. Tomorrow or sunday, it's getting polished with M205 and sealed with UPGP. I can't wait!

06-01-2012, 01:59 PM
Happy Friday everyone. For once I really don't have much going on. I'm going over to my Dad's tomorrow so I can use some of his woodworking stuff like his table saw so I can build a DIY storage dolly for my hard top. It's supposedly like an hour project according to the guys that have built it though so it will be a quick job :) The rest of the weekend is just me relaxing the rest of the day tomorrow since the GF works, and then maybe we'll hit a movie Sunday.

06-01-2012, 05:21 PM
Happy Friday Alex!

what a crazy week glad its over.......I have two boxes of goodies I want mess will this weekend but I don't the weather is going to let me.

Oh-well maybe some rest is in order........back on the road Monday.

Have a great week end All

06-01-2012, 05:25 PM
Happy Friday Alex and everyone else!

This week(only 3 school days) seemed like it was never going to end. Due to sports, school work, and wanting to do other activities I felt overwhelmed. But am glad the weekend is here! The weather for next week looks like rain all throughout. Oh well.

Enjoy the rest of your Friday everyone!