View Full Version : Lingering residue

05-31-2012, 11:21 AM
My car is about 4 months old, new Prius black color. I at first used Meg's NXT 2.0. I wanted something fast and easy for the first go around. Once I have done some reading and looking I got some Zanio AIO and applied it on the engine hood. They say you cant see it go on, and if you do see it, it is too much. This left some lingering streaking at it took a lot to remove/ polish it off, all by hand. I also had it applied to another area. It just looked like crap, but it was good for now.I wanted to go at this again, clean up the old stuff and apply new. This time I used their Z5, I clayed the care, washed the car, and applied it on the car hood and fender area. this was much better to polish out. But the smear still lingers, like it cant be polisher out/removed. Well a real terry towel didnt make an inprovement, and some cheapy MF did best. Now a few weeks later and did another wash, and this time put on some Megs Gold plus wax. Seening the same results, smearing or the wax just not coming off/polished out, but the rest of the car came off in a breeze, looks great. I'm doing this all by hand. I'm getting ready to get a DA and the Megs 105/205 and redo the enginge hood. Am I missing something here?? Why is this one spot giving me this headache.


05-31-2012, 11:30 AM
It's a little hard to tell from what you have written what steps you are taking in your process. If you haven't prepped the surface correctly, no sealant or wax is going to look right. Could you lay out your process step by step?

05-31-2012, 12:44 PM
First I washed the car with Mothers car wash. I then used the NXT on the entire car, let it dry then buffed out. Everything went well. I read about and learned a bit from here and else where. A few weeks later I wanted to to use a AIO, as a first step. This is a weird product for me, as they say use very little. It went on as little as I could. Let it dry then buffed out. There lies the problem, contacting Zanio, they said if I could see the product on the surface it was too much, they said, you should not see it on the surface at all when applying. Okay I messed up I guess. My order for Z5 was already on its way. A few more washes and dries, finish looked good but could be better. I washed the car, clayed and washed again using the zaino car wash. I applied the Z5 to just the engine hood and it went on no problem. Getting it off, it appeared that the top surface came off fine, but left a lingering film like it wasnt full dry, but after two hours in the sun/overcast 70 degree day, that should have done it. Buffing by hand just would not do it using a clean soft terry towel. I ended up getting it cleaned up with some MF towels. Then finished off with Megs detailer. It looked much better but the spearing is still there, lightly but still there. It is too hard to see in a picture or else I would post one. Last night I washed with Mothers, dried. I then put Megs Gold Plus wax on the engine hood, car hood and tail. I let it dry. I removed/buffed off the Megs wax. The car hood and tail buffed out real nice. Real easy. The engine hood, not as well, still had that look of undried wax, smear. The hood was first in the order of applying, so it was the longest to dry as I left it for the end. It took a lot buffing by hand, using a terry towel. The surface came off fine, white powder dust and all, but underlying smear took a lot of MF very soft buffing to get it acceptable.

05-31-2012, 01:51 PM
First I washed the car with Mothers car wash. I then used the NXT on the entire car, let it dry then buffed out. Everything went well. I read about and learned a bit from here and else where. A few weeks later I wanted to to use a AIO, as a first step. This is a weird product for me, as they say use very little. It went on as little as I could. Let it dry then buffed out. There lies the problem, contacting Zanio, they said if I could see the product on the surface it was too much, they said, you should not see it on the surface at all when applying. Okay I messed up I guess. My order for Z5 was already on its way. A few more washes and dries, finish looked good but could be better. I washed the car, clayed and washed again using the zaino car wash. I applied the Z5 to just the engine hood and it went on no problem. Getting it off, it appeared that the top surface came off fine, but left a lingering film like it wasnt full dry, but after two hours in the sun/overcast 70 degree day, that should have done it. Buffing by hand just would not do it using a clean soft terry towel. I ended up getting it cleaned up with some MF towels. Then finished off with Megs detailer. It looked much better but the spearing is still there, lightly but still there. It is too hard to see in a picture or else I would post one. Last night I washed with Mothers, dried. I then put Megs Gold Plus wax on the engine hood, car hood and tail. I let it dry. I removed/buffed off the Megs wax. The car hood and tail buffed out real nice. Real easy. The engine hood, not as well, still had that look of undried wax, smear. The hood was first in the order of applying, so it was the longest to dry as I left it for the end. It took a lot buffing by hand, using a terry towel. The surface came off fine, white powder dust and all, but underlying smear took a lot of MF very soft buffing to get it acceptable.

OK. The first thing I see is that you are trying a number of different products, rather then trying to use one and getting good consistent results. Most products on the market if used correctly, will give you a decent shine. The quality and durability of that shine will vary. This process usually has two major variables:
1. The quality of the underlying paint surface preparation.
2. The propper application of product.
I think you need to start over from the beginning and make sure that you are presenting the product you choose to use a well prepped paint surface.
1. I would strip all the wax/sealer with a Dawn/water wash. This is not a routine wash but a prep step in detailing your car so the occasional Dawn wash won't do your paint any harm.
2. Next, you said that you clayed your car, but you didn't include a polishing step to remove any marring of the paint by the clay. So, if you have a DA polisher get some Megs M205 and clean up the paint.
3. You can then proceed with an AIO or wipe down the car with mineral spirits, or Klean Strip Prep All and then proceed with your sealant or wax to lock in what you have. Be sure to follow the manufacturers recommendations and do a "swipe test" to make sure the product is suitably dry before removing.
Good Luck!

05-31-2012, 06:00 PM
Thanks for the help!