View Full Version : Water stains! After BFMS...

05-29-2012, 08:08 PM
Yesterday night I did the blackfire rinsless, touched up the car with the polymer spray, then topped the paint with BFMS paste. So today it rained for 20 mins or so in the afternoon and my car was in the parking garage, so only the front got wet from rain, when i left work i noticed the water spots, so i got home and sprayed the blackfire waterless wash then wiped and buffed with midnight sun detailer. BUT the water stains were still there! I applied the bfms paste last night and i thought that would protect me from water stains , if not it would make life easier to QD them away..

Something I did wrong or will water stains penerate a layer of really expensive wax???

Vegas Transplant
05-29-2012, 08:26 PM
Yesterday night I did the blackfire rinsless, touched up the car with the polymer spray, then topped the paint with BFMS paste. So today it rained for 20 mins or so in the afternoon and my car was in the parking garage, so only the front got wet from rain, when i left work i noticed the water spots, so i got home and sprayed the blackfire waterless wash then wiped and buffed with midnight sun detailer. BUT the water stains were still there! I applied the bfms paste last night and i thought that would protect me from water stains , if not it would make life easier to QD them away..

Something I did wrong or will water stains penerate a layer of really expensive wax???

I don't know anything about your product line, but I do know that water that drips from concrete parking garages after and during rains has a higher concentration of calcium and or lime which contribute to waterspots.
Hopefully someone will respond to your dilema concerning your sacrificial barrier.

05-29-2012, 08:46 PM
Can a normal wash usually take theses out? Or will i neec to whip out the 7424xp with a white pad withTPnS then do the midnight sun on top again

Vegas Transplant
05-29-2012, 09:57 PM
Neither of the two, IMHO hand.
However, the sooner they are removed, the lesser the damage, if any.

Well, if you plan on polishing, you'll have to wash first anyway hand.
No offense intended, and with all due respect, don't just talk about it, be about it.
Happy detailing...:autowash:

05-30-2012, 01:38 PM
Thanx but I won't have time to polish till the weekend. Hopefully a bath can take them out.

Vegas Transplant
05-30-2012, 01:44 PM
:xyxthumbs:... Sometimes I forget that some people have real jobs.

Happy detailing...

05-30-2012, 01:52 PM
It's all good...only working 50 hours a week now since I stared grad school full time... Detailing is my therapy away from the office, work, and wife :)

05-30-2012, 03:07 PM
Its my Therapy as well! I had something similar happen but it was from the idiots working on the sprinkler system where I work. Come out after a hard day and the back of the car is covered with water spots. Had to do a rinseless wash and a QD to get them off.

05-30-2012, 04:57 PM
Sounds like the products used aren't that good for protection, or the water spots didn't come out when polishing, and you just covered them over.

09-02-2012, 08:05 PM
Sounds like the products used aren't that good for protection, or the water spots didn't come out when polishing, and you just covered them over.

Old bump, but no waterspots were out when I polished, I used D114 and took care of them.