View Full Version : Adding videos to the ebook

05-29-2012, 07:11 PM
Hi Mike,

just wanted to say that I cannot believe how you've opened my eyes over the past couple of weeks to all the things that I've been doing wrong for years. You've been a tremendous help, so thank you.

OK, now to the point of my post. I think it would be incredible if you embedded videos into your ebook so that people on, say, an iPad could be flicking through the pages, come up to a technique, and click on the video (most of these you have online already) to have the master Mike Phillips demonstrate it. If a picture says a thousand words, and a video has 24 frames/sec (maybe 30 in some formats), then that's 24,000 words a second!!!!

Just thought this was a cool idea, that hopefully isn't too hard to implement, should you chose to do it.

06-03-2012, 07:59 AM
Obviously this was a terrible idea hahaha

06-03-2012, 08:19 AM
Currently, that's something that's more fitting for tablet computers (such as an iPad), than it is for an eReader. Most couldn't do anything with the video data if it were truly embedded.

06-04-2012, 02:43 AM
Not sure about the US, but in Australia a lot of people have iPads, even when compared to eReaders. Kindle didn't really take off here in a big way, but the iPad did. If I was to get teh eBook I'd be reading it on an iPad, that's why I had the idea.

I can accept that not all ideas are good hahaha :)

Mike Phillips
06-04-2012, 06:16 AM
Obviously this was a terrible idea hahaha

Sometimes you make a post, (like your first post on 5/29, and no sees it or gets to it due to the day, the time or just being busy...

The 29th was Tuesday, you replied back on the 3rd and today is the 4th and I just now found this thread. Sometimes forums aren't instantaneous. :)

I'll share the link to this thread with Yancy as he's our tech guy, if it can be done he can do it.


06-04-2012, 06:27 AM
If they can't be embedded, then a direct link to the video would also be cool.