View Full Version : My neighbor yelled at me for washing my cars too often.

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05-26-2012, 05:42 PM
I'd bet his car has clear coat failure. He probably does not change the oil either. You could tell him that by keeping your car clean and shiny you are adding beauty to the world that people like him are taking away!:xyxthumbs:

05-26-2012, 06:13 PM
I hate to hear you have a crazy neighbor. Maybe when he films you, you could send the tape (or youtube clip) to Mike as a training aid?? I'm lucky, well, in a backhanded way, as my neighbor drops her car at the end of my driveway sometimes when I wash. Makes me feel good someone likes how I clean cars.

05-26-2012, 06:53 PM
Host a charity car wash at your house. That will be sure to piss him off some more.

05-26-2012, 07:02 PM
The commercial car wash industry has been providing statistics on why home car washers is a water waster. Why they want to ban it so you have to go to them.

In our area even during water restrictions, commercial car wash places can continue to operate if they meet certain recycling requirements, etc.

This is a very good point: business lobbying usually tries to pass whichever laws that restrict acess to more entrepreneurs or to restrict the current offer to those that have more resources.

I feel so bad for you. You live next to a jackass.I used to live next to one too. He will just keep harassing you - it will not stop. This kind of person thinks he has a right to control your actions and views, and I garantee you this situation will just escalate. Because this is the kind of person that is convinced he is right and just cant let it go. Anyone in this day and age that calls someone a "fascist", is just a moron. Washing your car frequently has nothing to do with facism. I live in PA, also. I probably use 300 gallons every-time I wash my car. I do it frequently. I don't care. I pay my taxes, pay for water, and mind my own business. Unless there is a law how much water you can use, tell that guy to get lost. The only solution is one of you moves or dies. I would look into if you are breaking any local laws, because I sure he is doing just that. I would keep an eye on your vehicles and any property you store outside. This kind of person is determined to make your life miserable. If he can't do it by preventing you from washing your car(s) at will, he will likely key your vehicles or set your mail box on fire. Good luck, your going to need it.

I agree with your view of some of the green zealots. They are true harasers and private property destroyers.
In my country fortunately they have very little public support but they tend to get their way with some laws and restrictions. Up till now there are no restrictions on water usage but who knows in the future...
By the way: we pay dearly for our water and the more we use the higher the unit cost (the public opinion just doesn't know that residential users only account for less than 20% of total consumption).
Al Gore: a whole treaty could be written upon his views...

glen e
05-26-2012, 08:15 PM
"get the hell off my property"

Comes to mind.....

05-26-2012, 08:57 PM
Update, I washed one of my parents cars. I may have used at least 80 gallons of water.

Also, my kids have been asking for a pool. I broke down and bought one of those quick set up pools. 631 gallons later and we have a small pool in the back yard!

It was very hot today, so the kids enjoyed the pool. Nothing from the neighbor yet. I think he will slink back to his oxidized, dull looking beaten up Honda Civic.

These environmental wackos always have something to say to everyone else. I mind my own business and pay my taxes. I doubt he will show himself again.

05-26-2012, 09:03 PM
Where is your wash water going? If it's not going into a storm sewer in violation of the Federal Clean Water Act, tell him to kiss off and don't worry about it. My concern would be that some environmentalist would get a crazy notion to report a suspected violation. IMO, some of these people are nut jobs to say the least. But you are right, you are paying for the water and it's your business.

05-26-2012, 09:39 PM
I get questions from my neighbors that are the exact opposite. They want to know how I keep my cars so clean without dragging out the hose. Since my first thorough spring cleaning using a pressure washer, every cleaning since has been with either ONR or Opti Clean.

BTW, what part of Pgh. do you call home? I'm a Steel City resident also, Upper St Clair to be exact.


05-27-2012, 12:44 AM
What if the guy actually works for the water company and this is part of a covert marketing operation to get people to use more water? /conspiracy

05-27-2012, 02:42 AM
Dude, pull Gordon Ramsay on him, tell him to "Shut it down, and PISS OFF!"
He is gonna hate you for life...

05-27-2012, 07:00 AM
LOL at 180 gallons. Where did he come up with that number?

That's roughly how much water it takes to make 1 gallon of ethanol. LOL! Try redirecting this enviro-whaco to that cause. Maybe let him spend his idle time running with that bone.

05-27-2012, 11:46 AM
Where is your wash water going? If it's not going into a storm sewer in violation of the Federal Clean Water Act, tell him to kiss off and don't worry about it. My concern would be that some environmentalist would get a crazy notion to report a suspected violation. IMO, some of these people are nut jobs to say the least. But you are right, you are paying for the water and it's your business.

My water is going into my own drain

I get questions from my neighbors that are the exact opposite. They want to know how I keep my cars so clean without dragging out the hose. Since my first thorough spring cleaning using a pressure washer, every cleaning since has been with either ONR or Opti Clean.

BTW, what part of Pgh. do you call home? I'm a Steel City resident also, Upper St Clair to be exact.


I am in West Jefferson Hills.

What if the guy actually works for the water company and this is part of a covert marketing operation to get people to use more water? /conspiracy I laughed out loud at this. He works at some sort of government job. Probably lucky if he works 4 hours a day.

05-27-2012, 08:09 PM
Peoples Republic of PA !!! What do you expect??

05-27-2012, 08:58 PM
Peoples Republic of PA !!! What do you expect??

Haha. Pennsylvania is a Commonwealth, but I am hoping that we are not descending into the depths of communism in this great nation of ours.

05-28-2012, 09:21 AM
The challenge to all this is that he is likely going to try and one up you too in the same way you have done this to him. So one morning you wake up and your car is keyed. Unless you have a good camera system the police can do nothing more than question him and he has the right to keep quiet.

Not saying it will happen, but it does happen all the time. I often remember a old codger that use to walk up to me when I dried my T/A under the clubhouse driveway and tell me I had NO right to use this public driveway for 1/2 hour. He called the cops when I got rowdy and told him to buzz off. The officer was kind, allowed me to finish, but warned me that old men are the worst at one up'ing young kids and to park the T/A in the garage for a couple weeks.

Now I am not saying you should stop washing your car ... but intentionally infuriating him "could" have consequences.