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05-18-2012, 12:57 PM
This thread is meant to discuss products and showcase their abilities, it is not simply a product review thread. All input is more than welcome and appreciated, thank you!

Round 1


foamed the mustang, 2 caps rest of the quart filled with warm water (cg wash+gloss)

however I'd like to figure out how to get "foamier foam" that also sticks better and please do not recommend a foam cannon, its not an option right now.


1cap for 5+gallons cg wash +gloss performed incredibly, best soap I've ever used :xyxthumbs::dblthumb2::props:


Sonax, the most overrated product I've used to date, mothers and cg diablo sticky gel blew this away for a fraction of the cost and more versatile and no odor / good odors, sonax smells terrible and performed mediocre at best for me..

diablo gel 1:3 worked well with agitation, I think it would be much better with a better foaming nozzle, which cg didn't supply..


some of the products used


ferret performed well for what it is, rinsed very easily as well

the wheel brush was good as well

my tirescrubber is great for what it does as always

lugnut brush was too big for my lugs

fenderwell brush does its job, nothing impressive

mothers wheel+tire, really impressed me, incredible product..

this one was with no agitation used after initial foaming (others were all agitated eventually)

this was round 2 on that tire
now Agitated


tried out cg synthetic qd and clay lubricant, thumbs down on this one, hopefully Luber can redeem cg on this one, terrible streaking.

Round 2

Round 2

Things came up yesterday, so was unable to finish claying, overnight it rained and a lot of junk decided to settle on the mustang, so I saw this as a great opportunity to try a higher concentration in the foam gun although I'm worried that with this soap I'd be stripping lsp if there was any I was worried about on the car, anyway here is a short clip of my cg foam gun in action with cg wash+gloss 4-5 caps in the quart with warm water, no settings to use, blue filter (recommended as most common)
Click car to play (The picture below)
http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab134/Elias101a/Drews%20Detailing/th_15934206.jpg (http://s857.photobucket.com/albums/ab134/Elias101a/Drews%20Detailing/?action=view&current=15934206.mp4)
Click above to play ^
Overall I'm happy with it, its a cool cheap product 60 shipped for a foamgun w/ 3 soaps, I wish I could get the foam to dwell longer, hopefully I'll figure out a good soap/ratio combo
Finished claying the car, I will say the cg qd/lube slightly redeemed itself when mixed with standing water on the vehicle, i also wasn't worried about streaking this time, I just left it because I wasn't going to have the time to wax today nor did I really want to, I'm going to go with blacklight topped with buttery for this round

Random - CG Wash+Gloss beading (when I came out to get started)
The overspray I was talking about

Clay breaking down on me? Input on this please
http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab134/Elias101a/Drews%20Detailing/894c4c10.jpg became extremely..sticky..
once the cg lube was depleted switched to a bottle of megs qd I had, performed better than the CG lube and wasn't impressed by this, but it did what it was supposed to, decent product but I'm looking for better

More reviews coming tomorrow (more than likely)

05-18-2012, 01:00 PM

Click to play True Blue Mustang (Dark Blue)

These products work well, nothing incredible but they do what they're supposed to, basically ready to buff off immediately after application. (in and out of direct sun)

Round 3

So I attempted to swap my spoiler today,
Step one clean, didn't want to full wash, went with the a waterless

Eco touch dilutes 10:1 , great product and did the job perfect good lubricity

Buffed to a shine

Next.. Tried my POorboys carnauba wax and polish

Spreading product some

Swipe test..

It did its job, good product, was pretty much ready for removal after application

Temp was 67 humidity 63 semi cloudy


Inner clean

Interior protectant, nice summer beach type smell
Does its job, definitely leaves a flat finish
Good product, didn't use much either for an entire interior

Leather cleaner

Good product, did its job

Leather conditioner..



And that's it for round 3!

All products were applied via mf towel

Favorite product of the day - innerclean

Let down - sort of expected a bigger before and after with the cg leather conditioner, also seeing as its dyed it worries be that it would stain stitching, seemed to have slightly stained mine, needs further trial and review

Also innerclean says it can be used on leather in their product video, however it says only imitation leather on the product but also says leather arm rests or something similar to that, which doesn't make sense, if it's good for some leather it is good for all, or at least should be

Round 4.. Took place today

Oh no... bugs! I must need a dedicated bug remover..

Wrong! Soap has never failed me with them

Miracle Dryer! Worked fine, dried the car I rung it out some but I imagine I couldve gotten by with no ringing, and I think its what? a third of the price of the guzzler?

Okay I don't know what was wrong with this
didnt apply evenly and streaked I tried applicated with a mf sponge, I usually use these little foam things, but I was sort of in a rush at this time so i just grabbed that.
Worked decent, spelled like nail polish remover? It will be under further review.

after black light buff off with cg super towel

So i guess since this is considered "satin black" atleast what I was told, this matte detailer does not work for it, left terrible streaks on it as shown, and other products make it "shinier" so I guess I will just wash it and leave it at that, keep it simple right?

My favorite part of round 4 is this

Products used, pictures speak for themself thats not actually adams detail spray lol for anyone who does not know adams detail spray is pink and their apc is green, that is their apc in sample spray bottle diluted at 1:1

Good stuff, little bit of a learning curve of application amount for bl

Black light worked well but is definitely over rated, yeah its a good-great product but it receives way too much attention and hype

v7 was great, nice orange smell (btw bl smells amazing) , worked well, no streaking at all, and unless I was using on the low side a little (as in not enough) it looks like a bottle would last a car 10+ applications, used a cg super towel with this one as well, v7 created a more noticeable visual difference to me.
Don't know if I'd buy black light again (yet, needs more trial) but v7 is here to stay.
Amount used -
First time using the blue nitrite gloves from lowes (comes in black and orange pack of 100) No complaints, reasonably priced and did what they were supposed to. wont wash with them anymore though, I don't think soap is even that hard on hands, but this caused them to be pruned etc and some skin was peeling off as I ended on hour 4.
Finished product as of Round 4, went with natural tires this time.

Much more to come, products soon up are....
WG auto bath
Autoglym vrt
cg wheel wax
lc flat and hydro pads
m105 205 po85
megs glass cleaner
megs wash (forget number of the top of head in pro line)
and much more

05-18-2012, 01:01 PM
well pictures were lost in chopping original post because it had too many pictures and I have things to do, will fix later.

05-18-2012, 08:47 PM
So I attempted to swap my spoiler today,
Step one clean, didn't want to full wash, went with the a waterless

Eco touch dilutes 10:1 , great product and did the job perfect good lubricity

Buffed to a shine http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab134/Elias101a/Drews%20Detailing/064f595d.jpg

Next.. Tried my POorboys carnauba wax and polish

Spreading product some


Swipe test..

It did its job, good product, was pretty much ready for removal after application

Temp was 67 humidity 63 semi cloudy


Inner clean
Interior protectant, pineapple smell - sort of nice, sort of overpowering / annoying during use, smell doesnt seem to linger after application however
Does its job, definitely leaves a flat finish
Good product, didn't use much either for an entire interior

Leather cleaner
Good product, did its job

Leather conditioner..


And that's it for round 3!

All products were applied via mf towel

Favorite product of the day - innerclean

Let down - sort of expected a bigger before and after with the cg leather conditioner, also seeing as its dyed it worries be that it would stain stitching, seemed to have slightly stained mine, needs further trial and review

Also innerclean says it can be used on leather in their product video, however it says only imitation leather on the product but also says leather arm rests or something similar to that, which doesn't make sense, if it's good for some leather it is good for all, or at least should be


05-18-2012, 08:51 PM
Round 4.. Took place today

Oh no... bugs! I must need a dedicated bug remover..

Wrong! Soap has never failed me with them

Miracle Dryer! Worked fine, dried the car I rung it out some but I imagine I couldve gotten by with no ringing, and I think its what? a third of the price of the guzzler?
Okay I don't know what was wrong with this
didnt apply evenly and streaked I tried applicated with a mf sponge, I usually use these little foam things, but I was sort of in a rush at this time so i just grabbed that.
Worked decent, spelled like nail polish remover? It will be under further review.
after black light buff off with cg super towel

So i guess since this is considered "satin black" atleast what I was told, this matte detailer does not work for it, left terrible streaks on it as shown, and other products make it "shinier" so I guess I will just wash it and leave it at that, keep it simple right?
My favorite part of round 4 is this

Products used, pictures speak for themself thats not actually adams detail spray lol for anyone who does not know adams detail spray is pink and their apc is green, that is their apc in sample spray bottle diluted at 1:1
http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab134/Elias101a/Drews%20Detailing/0276d2c6.jpg (actually cg window clean 1:1 in megs glass cleaner bottle)

Good stuff, little bit of a learning curve of application amount for bl

Black light worked well but is definitely over rated, yeah its a good-great product but it receives way too much attention and hype
v7 was great, nice orange smell (btw bl smells amazing) , worked well, no streaking at all, and unless I was using on the low side a little (as in not enough) it looks like a bottle would last a car 10+ applications, used a cg super towel with this one as well, v7 created a more noticeable visual difference to me.
Don't know if I'd buy black light again (yet, needs more trial) but v7 is here to stay.
Amount used -
First time using the blue nitrite gloves from lowes (comes in black and orange pack of 100) No complaints, reasonably priced and did what they were supposed to. wont wash with them anymore though, I don't think soap is even that hard on hands, but this caused them to be pruned etc and some skin was peeling off as I ended on hour 4.
Finished product as of Round 4, went with natural tires this time.
Much more to come, products soon up are....
WG auto bath
Autoglym vrt
cg wheel wax
lc flat and hydro pads
m105 205 po85
megs glass cleaner
megs wash (forget number of the top of head in pro line)
and much more

05-18-2012, 08:55 PM
http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab134/Elias101a/Drews%20Detailing/th_ec136846.jpg (http://s857.photobucket.com/albums/ab134/Elias101a/Drews%20Detailing/?action=view&current=ec136846.mp4)

Click to play dark blue mustang

works well, does what its supposed to, cannot speak on longevity yet,after application is about ready to buff off, in and out of direct sun in high or med humidity

I apologize for the error earlier, but its taken care of now :xyxthumbs:

05-18-2012, 09:13 PM
Thanks for putting in the time to post thesebpictures. That body style mustang always makes me turn when cleaned up!

05-18-2012, 09:29 PM
Thanks for putting in the time to post thesebpictures. That body style mustang always makes me turn when cleaned up!

Thanks for viewing/commenting, makes it worth it, I personally love to see reviews first hand and not just those little reviews under the products and go through several pages of google to find one if them, and then people can always ask me specific questions they have, I also like to get feedback and ask questions of my own, and yeah thank you the 99-04 new edge style is one of my favorite, I also love the s197s (05+)

05-18-2012, 09:46 PM
Awesome information, great write up, even better car. I miss my GT now...looked identical to yours but silver basically. Glad to see a well cared for New Edge stang! Keep em coming!

05-18-2012, 09:51 PM
Has anyone ever had a problem with this staining stitching?

05-18-2012, 09:58 PM
Awesome information, great write up, even better car. I miss my GT now...looked identical to yours but silver basically. Glad to see a well cared for New Edge stang! Keep em coming!

Thank you, don't hesitate to post your own reviews of products, would be even better if you could do a review on a product I've done, would be interested to compare and discuss, and thank you I try to care of it, its an ongoing project lowering and a nice tint are coming soon, post a picture of yours / what you had done if you'd like, why did you let it go? Will do :)

05-18-2012, 10:30 PM
Those wheel and tires look great on that car. Nice choice!

05-18-2012, 11:28 PM
great job/review/write up or whatever this is, lol I enjoyed it

for a moment I thought your rims were green, then I realized it was just sonax'd lol

05-19-2012, 12:16 AM
Thanks for the insite on the products And great wirte up

05-19-2012, 11:33 AM
Those wheel and tires look great on that car. Nice choice!
Thanks :)

great job/review/write up or whatever this is, lol I enjoyed it

for a moment I thought your rims were green, then I realized it was just sonax'd lol

Thank you, and lol yeah I went a little heavy with it for my first use, unfortunately I didn't even get any cool reactions to iron (changing to purple)

Thanks for the insite on the products And great wirte up
Thanks for reading / commenting :xyxthumbs: