View Full Version : Help Me Dry Out

05-11-2012, 03:09 PM
Months ago I decided I need some type of blower / dryer to help me dry with. Everything says the Mastet Blaster is the best, but I really didn't want to spend that much now. Also, here's my issue. I prefer something where you can hold the whole unit in your hand. I plan on using it to blow water off the roof of a tall SUV, and I think standing on a stool with a hose rubbing up against the paint may not be optimal. Also, my garage is very small and narrow, and I really would like a small unit, as my garage is so narrow you have to pick a side of the car to work on and park close to the other side to have enough room to fit. Anyway, dragging around any machine is awkward at best, and I most of my drying in the garage to prevent water spots from the sun. Currently, I have a Black and Decker 18v rechargeable leaf blower. That thing is useless, it can even blow hardly any water off a hood. It's helpful in drying wheels and tires - that's it. What I need help with is, base on my above constraints, I know I'm not going to find a blower powerful enough to dry a vehicle. I'm looking for something that can remove about 70% of the water off a flag roof of a tall SUV. I've narrowed it down to a few ideas:

1. Chemical Guys Jett Blower: looks good, but many reviewers say its underpowered. The price and size are awesome, but I'm not too sure it's much better than my cordless leaf blower.

2 Master Blaster Sidekick: Price, size, design, and reliability all seem awesome. But again, would this be powerful enough to blow about 70% off the water of a roof on a SUV? Are these more powerful Thant an electric leaf blower?

3. Master Blaster Air Force Commander: This is for sure the most powerful of the smaller blowers. It's almost as powerful as a Vac n Blow wall mount. However, it's much smaller, and only 6 pounds. Although the body is designed to sit on the ground while you dry with a 6 foot hose, it looks small enough to hold in one hand and blow dry with the other. The only issue may be when drying a SUV roof, it looks as though it may be easy to bang the metal canister into the paint, as I'll be standing on a stool. Also, the hose is not long enough to leave the unit on the ground and practically dry the roof. I can see this unit being very awkward to use in a narrow garage with little space between either car door and the wall.

4. An electric leaf blower: maybe an electric leaf blower is like night and day compared to my 75 dollar 18v rechargeable blower. Anyone use these 2 types of leaf blowers? Much difference???

5. A small electric air compressor: this I have no idea if it's good or bad at blowing dry cars. I've never tried it. Does a small compressor give enough air to help blow dry a car???

Any input or suggestions anyone can give is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!

05-11-2012, 03:12 PM
check out airwanddot.com

05-11-2012, 03:19 PM
I have both the Sidekick and the 8hp MetroVacs. The Sidekick is quite powerful but is really best suited for blowing out seams and grills. Bought the 8hp unit because it struggled drying my well-waxed Sonata. Could be done but took a long time. An SUV or stripped vehicle is probably beyond its capabilites.

05-11-2012, 03:43 PM
I have the sidekick to dry my 2012 Nissan Rogue. I have to get on a portable stool to dry the top. The problem is that it is not powerful enough to blow the water all the way off the roof. I need to change sides! I also want the 8 horsepower blower but it is a little costly. otherwise it okay for the sides and the wheels.

05-11-2012, 04:02 PM
Thanks for response. Do you think the Side Kick is more powerful than an electric leaf blower?? Do you think it could blow most of the water off a hood, going from the cowl down on a standard car?? Thanks in advance.

05-11-2012, 04:42 PM
With a good wax or sealant, you can do it. It just takes a while.

Note - I love the Sidekick for most things. It is at its limits trying to dry an entire car.

05-11-2012, 09:33 PM
You need a stihl back pack blower...everything else is like blowing with your mouth compared to that lol

05-11-2012, 10:35 PM
They offer an extended hose for the master blaster, would allow you to keep it on the floor...

05-12-2012, 05:40 AM
The beauty of the 8HP Master Blaster is it can get every drop of water off the paint. If you use it in 4HP mode, it will take longer on paint with a good lsp and a very long time if not.

If you just get a 4HP model, you can still get a significant amount off but at some point you should get just out a towel and detail spray as a lube (optional) to finish it up.

For example, on wheels, the MB will get it dry in less than 10 seconds at reasonable distance. In 4HP mode, you really need to get within 1 to 2 inches and go slower to dry and takes at least 2x the time. If that is all you have, it is still faster and theoretically safer.

Tip: Do not get that $50 wax, save money on multiple mf drying towels (not needed), and make up a few other excuses to justify the money.

05-12-2012, 06:06 AM
1. Chemical Guys Jett Blower: looks good, but many reviewers say its underpowered. The price and size are awesome, but I'm not too sure it's much better than my cordless leaf blower.

4. An electric leaf blower: maybe an electric leaf blower is like night and day compared to my 75 dollar 18v rechargeable blower. Anyone use these 2 types of leaf blowers? Much difference???

5. A small electric air compressor: this I have no idea if it's good or bad at blowing dry cars. I've never tried it. Does a small compressor give enough air to help blow dry a car???

In reading your post you've basically eliminated 1, 4, and 5 sot his leaves just 2 & 3...

I have two air units that I use and they work very well for me.

I have been very satisfied with an electric leaf blower I bought at Lowe's. For doorjambs, under hood, or any tight are where the leaf blower just isn't an option I use my Metro SideKick.

This leaf blower is light, very powerful, and easy to use. It moves a lot of air and makes short work of any remaining water after rinsing. It's cost's about $50.00 compared to the SideKick's $70,00

TroyBilt Leaf Blower


Metro SideKick


A compressor in my opinion just doesn't have the air volume needed to dry a cars exterior.

If cost is a concern then jot down the cost of each and make your decision on cost, efficiency, ease of use, and effectiveness....

05-12-2012, 10:30 AM
check out airwand.com

It looks like a basic B&D leaf blower motor along with a custom tube and attachment. I like that they sell the attachments separately so it makes it possible to use an existing device.

05-12-2012, 12:13 PM
Thanks for everyone's help, I love this forum and all your input. I think I've totally changed my mind and think I'm going to go with the Vac N Blo 4 HP portable. It's can be used as a vacuum also. I'm wondering if this model has the same blowing power as the Air Force (I know it's weaker than the Master Blaster)?? In the description they mention it's a blower, but don't really highlight it. The thing that sold me on it is that it comes with a shoulder strap, initially I thought you had to drag it on the ground with the dolly. I guess eventually I'll get extra hoses so I don't. Low dry out of dusty vacuum hoses. CGs website has it cheaper than AG, by 40 bucks! So, I sent AG an email asking if they price match on Metro items. I was thinking of trying the leaf blower first, but my cordless leaf blower blows so poorly, it sucks. What do you guys think of this model as one getting mostly used as a blower, sometimes as a vacuum??? Im not expecting complete drying with it, just about 75%, then using a towel.

05-12-2012, 08:40 PM
Yes cordless... Yes sold @ AG Store


05-17-2012, 09:45 AM
To anyone interested in a blow dryer, I decided to go with the Metro Air Force, it's not the Master Blaster, but it is 4hp, which is fairly powerful. I decided on this on based on price and compact design. Also, I couldn't really find a bad review. I ended up ordering it from Target, and got an awesome price, $152 with free shipping. When it arrives I will give it an extensive review, as I debated which one to get for months.
