View Full Version : Doh!

05-05-2012, 04:46 PM
I stupidly grabbed my bottle of Pinnacle Clear Coat Safe Wheel cleaner instead of my Pinnacle Clay lubricant when I started to clay bar my car today. I "only" did one section before realizing it (damn bottles look the same). I never clay barred until today so I didn't know what the lube was supposed to look like compared to the wheel cleaner.

That being said, I don't think I did any damage to paint (car is black). I do however have what looks like a white haze in the paint. I can see it from certain angles in my garage under the fluorescent lighting, but I have yet to see it out in the sun (it's now pouring rain). I haven't been able to wax or apply a sealant because I put Dr. Colorchip on (not impressed).

I'm hoping that since it was clear coat safe wheel cleaner, I'm going to be OK. Thoughts?

05-05-2012, 05:01 PM
you're unhappy with your dr.colorchip? due to the recommendations on here I unhappily spent 70 dollars on a kit..

if the wheel cleaner can clean clear coated wheels it should have no adverse effects on the vehicle, theres painted clear coated wheels that are much nicer than some vehicle paint lol, it should just wash off if its a decent product, and yeah all the bottles do lookt he same which is a thumbs down in my book

bottom line, you'll be fine

05-05-2012, 06:14 PM
Lucky you, once I put Fantastic on a empty bottle of Gatorade hours later I forgot and drank it.