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05-04-2012, 08:00 AM
HAPPY FRIDAY boys and girls!!!

Unlike last week (longest week ever in life), this week went by really fast!! That said…lets welcome the weekend right…
…yep…more FAILS!!!

So this weekend I got a few things going on. Saturday consists of running errands and later in the evening a birthday party to go to. Sunday I’ll be doing an exterior detail. This is the same ride I did the interior awhile back. She asked me to fill in some scratches and chips in her paint. I took advantage of the sale and picked up some Dr. Colorchip. I’ll need to review Richy’s thread once more as he had a really detailed thread on this products-shout out to Richy.

That’s about it for me. What do ya’ll have planned?

05-04-2012, 08:06 AM
Happy Friday Alex!! Nice landing the exterior job!

My father just bought a renter house, and this past week I been really busy helping them. I had time to do a full interior detail when I was off last Sunday. This Sunday I'm going to check and give a quote for someone who seems to want an all in one and interior cleaning.

05-04-2012, 08:14 AM
Happy Friday Alex and everyone else!

It has been raining all week here. There is a cruise in tonight for all cars at a local Tuning shop but due to the rain it will probably be canceled. I'll just have to wait for until next month. This Sunday I am going to Uconn where my sister goes to college. Her car has been having problems and she plans on selling it and buying a new one. So my job is to do some mobile detailing. Rinseless wash, quick compound and polish on certain spots. (Need to find some electricity to use of course). So this will be my first experience detailing away from home. I'll try to get a couple pictures but it will be a busy day for sure.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

05-04-2012, 08:18 AM
Never really participated in the Friday threads but also looked through them. A lot of cool plans people usually have.

Nice score on get the exterior job Alex. Try to take some pictures if possible.

I have a couple cars scheduled for the weekend but have Sunday off. Will probably enjoy the weather and white sand beaches as that seems to be what I also resort to several times a week.

Hope everyone has a safe weekend.

05-04-2012, 08:33 AM
Happy Friday! It has been raining here as well. I live over in New Hampshire. Going up to the white mountains this weekend. Have you used Dr. Colorchip before? I have not and am wondering how well it works. My wife's car has a couple chips that I need to fix.


05-04-2012, 08:36 AM
Are you going use the Dr. Colorchip to fill in the scratches also?

Porsche Pilot
05-04-2012, 08:36 AM
Happy Friday Alex!! Mr. and Mrs. Pilot are in full swing with the house remodel. Tile is going in today. The big ass vanity we waited for weeks to come in finally did. Damaged! Back it goes. I may have a working bathroom by August. We have moved our entire lives and stuff into one of the guest rooms. The dogs are all screwed up as their usual napping spots are gone. It is quite tumultuous.

And to top it off, Mrs. Pilot calls me yesterday at lunch to meet her at a place. What place I ask. She tells me she just bought a new office building! Great I say with my outside voice. Inside voice was saying something else. Now I have to play construction supervisor on two separate projects; house and new office, move her from the old office and still work my full time job and manage a detailing business.

Bottom line is; I need a nap. Stephan is making me jealous with his nice white sandy beaches over in P'Cola. A hammock, a beach and a nice Mojito would be heaven right now!

05-04-2012, 09:16 AM
She has a couple scratches, nothing major. If I can use the kit to fill them in I will. I didn't know that the kit would also work well on scratches.

05-04-2012, 09:34 AM
Happy Friday Alex!! Nice landing the exterior job!

My father just bought a renter house, and this past week I been really busy helping them. I had time to do a full interior detail when I was off last Sunday. This Sunday I'm going to check and give a quote for someone who seems to want an all in one and interior cleaning.

Happy Friday Gary!!!!

Thanks man...I'm actually not doing it for money. She's paying for the product, but I'm doing it for free since I've never used Dr. Colorchip before. Her car is more of a practice car for when I go do my car...but shes doesn't know that LMAO!!!!

Thats whats up with the rental property...when ya'll are done flipping it, come on down to VA and help me flip mine LOL!!! Matter of fact I REALLY need to get started with the home improvments...its almost time for me to rent it out.

Good luck on Sunday...hopefully they'll agree to the price and actually show up for the detail LOL!

Have a fantastic weekend man!

Happy Friday Alex and everyone else!

It has been raining all week here. There is a cruise in tonight for all cars at a local Tuning shop but due to the rain it will probably be canceled. I'll just have to wait for until next month. This Sunday I am going to Uconn where my sister goes to college. Her car has been having problems and she plans on selling it and buying a new one. So my job is to do some mobile detailing. Rinseless wash, quick compound and polish on certain spots. (Need to find some electricity to use of course). So this will be my first experience detailing away from home. I'll try to get a couple pictures but it will be a busy day for sure.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Its been weird weather this week as well. Rain, drizzle, rain....cloudy...looks like its gonna pour...then nothing happens. Yesterday ended up being really nice.

I'd like to see how you adapt to being mobile. I've been asked to come out to people's houses, but I'm the type of person that I like being in my own space detailing. I would hate having left something behind and then having to go back home to get it.

Good luck with the ride and have a great weekend!

Never really participated in the Friday threads but also looked through them. A lot of cool plans people usually have.

Nice score on get the exterior job Alex. Try to take some pictures if possible.

I have a couple cars scheduled for the weekend but have Sunday off. Will probably enjoy the weather and white sand beaches as that seems to be what I also resort to several times a week.

Hope everyone has a safe weekend.

Happy Friday Stephan....glad to see you participating!!! I really enjoy reading what people have planned. Its like looking at the unpacking thread to see what people are buying.

I will definitely try to take some pictures. My camera skills freaking suck! I would really like to attend a photography class. That said, I'll do my best to take some decent pics...the truck is white so I don't know how good they're going to come out.

Sounds like you have the life man...hitting up the white sand beaches a few times a week?!?! I wanna be you when I grow up :props:

Have a great weekend man...have fun on those cars you got lined up.

Happy Friday! It has been raining here as well. I live over in New Hampshire. Going up to the white mountains this weekend. Have you used Dr. Colorchip before? I have not and am wondering how well it works. My wife's car has a couple chips that I need to fix.


Happy Friday JJ!!!

I wanna go up in the mountains one day. I've never been the outdoorsy type person, but I'm starting become interested in it. I wanna go hiking and camping in the mountains. I was supposed to do that with the fellas last summer but plans got cancelled. So have fun up there and be safe.

I have never used it before, but it seems fairly simple....I'm sure I'll post a thread about my experience. I have soft paint on my Acura and bad road rash on the bumper. I don't know if I want to go the Dr. Colorchip route or sand it down. Its only 2 years old so I don't know if I want to sand it down just yet. We'll see how it goes.

Have a great weekend!!

Are you going use the Dr. Colorchip to fill in the scratches also?

Yeah...the main thing is, she's got a hairline scratch about 2-3 inches long on her door. Since its white, you can hardly see it, so I'm going to fill it in as best as possible.

Happy Friday Alex!! Mr. and Mrs. Pilot are in full swing with the house remodel. Tile is going in today. The big ass vanity we waited for weeks to come in finally did. Damaged! Back it goes. I may have a working bathroom by August. We have moved our entire lives and stuff into one of the guest rooms. The dogs are all screwed up as their usual napping spots are gone. It is quite tumultuous.

And to top it off, Mrs. Pilot calls me yesterday at lunch to meet her at a place. What place I ask. She tells me she just bought a new office building! Great I say with my outside voice. Inside voice was saying something else. Now I have to play construction supervisor on two separate projects; house and new office, move her from the old office and still work my full time job and manage a detailing business.

Bottom line is; I need a nap. Stephan is making me jealous with his nice white sandy beaches over in P'Cola. A hammock, a beach and a nice Mojito would be heaven right now!

Happy Friday Ed!!! Sounds like the Pilot household is a MESS LOL!!! That really sucks to hear about your vanity...I hope they send a replacement back fast and in good condion...and hope they're not giving you a hard time about it either.

You and Mrs. Pilot sound like a spontaneous couple LOL! Congrats on the new office LOL building. Have fun with that LOL!!! I'm sure you will after some kicking and screaming. You should post pics!!!!

With all that you have going on, Ed, please take care of yourself and rest when needed. I hope you and Mrs Pilot have a fantastic weekend!

05-04-2012, 10:05 AM
Happy Friday! Washed the car at 6am using my new Megs D111 for the first time. I love that stuff! Super slick and sudsy.

The Avengers this afternoon and friends in town this weekend. I see cold beer in my future.

05-04-2012, 10:24 AM
Hey Alex, Happy Friday to you too! Thanks for the mention. You are welcomed to text me if you have any questions. PM me for the # if you want it.

05-04-2012, 12:12 PM
Happy Friday! Washed the car at 6am using my new Megs D111 for the first time. I love that stuff! Super slick and sudsy.

The Avengers this afternoon and friends in town this weekend. I see cold beer in my future.

Happy Friday Alex!!! WOW!! 6am washing the car? I hope its not sitting outside today since it rained.

I didn't know it was coming out today....Imma have to go check it out. I might end up going by myself since the lady isn't into those type of movies. Have a great time with your friends and enjoy your weekend man!

Hey Alex, Happy Friday to you too! Thanks for the mention. You are welcomed to text me if you have any questions. PM me for the # if you want it.

Happy Friday Richy...I'll send the PM. What do you have planned this weekend?

05-04-2012, 01:40 PM
Happy Friday. Plans this weekend are, hopefully take possession of the van we purchased last night then start polishing etc. Sunday SVTOA car show in Wisconsin.

05-04-2012, 01:50 PM
Happy Friday!!! This weekend is all about getting the Jeep ready for an big group off-road day trip next Saturday. Tomorrow is the "free oil change with purchase" at the dealer and then maybe a movie after with the gf. She works on Sunday so I'll have all day to myself.

Probably some Star Wars the Old Republic Online on Sunday but also this weekend will be crawling under the Jeep with a torque wrench and checking some bolts and re-torquing the wheels. Then I want to go through my old toolbox and put together a portable toolkit for off-road days and also take an old backpack and put together the beginnings of an emergency survival kit (i.e. powerbars, electrical tape, etc.).

05-04-2012, 03:36 PM
Is it Friday AGAIN?

I just finally got over Monday....LOL!!!!!

Mrs07 has been working the dog $%^& out of me this week and it looks like this weekend is more of the same( I wish she would go on a vacation somewhere and leave me alone)I've worked every night to get the garden in for her now she say's the pool needs to be opened like last week! Hell the only ones that use it are her and the dogs,someday I gonna get a bulldozer and that pool is going to dissapear!

I've got an AG package in the shop that I haven't even opened yet and can't really remember what I ordered but Im going to find out in just a little bit.

My work truck looks like a dumpster so I going to find some time for it this weekend other than that it looks like a good weekend!

Have a great weekend Alex!