View Full Version : Need help with messed up black plastic trim

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05-02-2012, 10:22 AM
This week I decided to try to restore the textured black plastic trim on both the driver's and passenger's side mirror on my 2001 Prius. The material on both sides was badly faded, but the worst part was old, baked-on white streaks from previous, sloppy applications of Nu Finish.

I tried various things to remove the Nu Finish residue, including mineral spirits, IPA, DP Exterior Cleaner, and the pre-cleaner that comes with Forever Black, but nothing seemed to make a dent in it. In the end, I just gave up and applied the Forever Black; when that dried, I applied some Wolfgang Trim Sealer.

This approach seems to have been a big mistake, as the Nu Finish streaks are still quite visible through the correctives, plus now I have spots from over-applying the FB (see photo). Can anyone suggest the best way to strip off what I've just put on and then get rid of the Nu Finish once and for all?

05-02-2012, 10:26 AM
Try Purple Power undiluted (just try to keep it away from the paint) and scrub, scrub, scrub. It should strip everything away and prep your trim for your favorite trim conditioner.

05-02-2012, 10:33 AM
Strip all that stuff off with a good cleaner and scrubbings. The ETS may be a problem to remove although the fact you put that forever black stuff in first might make it all come off easier. Then clean off the residue from the cleaners with IPA. Then try this

Setec Astronomy
05-02-2012, 10:38 AM
Forgive me but in the picture that doesn't look like textured plastic trim, it looks like smooth metal that may be painted or anodized. If it is, you need to be careful or you may remove/damage the coating.

05-02-2012, 11:55 AM
If it's plastic, try a Mr Clean Magic Eraser. Works for me.

05-02-2012, 12:24 PM
Nu Finish:laughing:

05-02-2012, 12:41 PM
I tried a soft rubber eraser (for use with a pencil). I found that it worked pretty well on my Expedition.

05-02-2012, 02:21 PM
Forgive me but in the picture that doesn't look like textured plastic trim, it looks like smooth metal that may be painted or anodized. If it is, you need to be careful or you may remove/damage the coating.

:o Ooops! Uh, yes, when I checked more closely just now after reading your post, I see that it is indeed some kind of painted or anodized metal. Thank you for pointing that out: You have sharp eyes! Now I feel like a complete idiot!

Thanks to all for the suggestions, not all of which may actually still be advisable in light of my gaffe.

05-02-2012, 02:28 PM
I'd try removing it with tar x and a scrub brush.

05-02-2012, 02:37 PM
If it's plastic, try a Mr Clean Magic Eraser. Works for me.

+1. This removes anything. Also may want to try Goo Gone, another product that removes anything. Always try a small test area first.

05-02-2012, 05:51 PM
O.K., following some of the suggestions given here, I think I've got all the material off that I just put on. I'm now left with a somewhat splotchy surface on what now appears to be anodized aluminum as was previously suggested. These are "ghost" marks left by the Nu Finish, the main reason I started this project: Man, that stuff is hard to get rid of! Even tried peanut butter, a last resort home remedy for this--no dice.

At this point, my instinct is to try the same sorts of things I would use to try to get stains out of Calphalon cookware--very fine abrasive pastes and powders, or maybe some Flitz. Any other suggestions?

Setec Astronomy
05-02-2012, 05:54 PM
Be careful, perhaps the "ghost" marks are actually areas where the finish is already damaged. Unless someone here knows exactly what that finish is, I'd try on a Prius forum and see if you get any knowledge there.

05-02-2012, 06:23 PM
@Setec Thanks, probably good advise about checking the Prius forums.

I'm flying off on a family trip for the next couple of weeks and will resume this project when I return.

I see part of the reason I was confused about what material this piece is made from. Design-wise it appears integral with the black trim on both the mirror and the car body immediately in front of this black mirror mount (that curved triangle piece). Both those parts are plastic and all three are very closely matched in color and surface texture.

05-02-2012, 07:35 PM
it may be worth having a professional diagnosis this problem for you before it gets any worse.

05-03-2012, 06:21 AM
@gatoman39 My local Toyota dealer has a body shop. Maybe I will bring the car in and have them take a look. Thanks for the suggestion.