View Full Version : REVIEW: My day at Dedication to Detai

03-19-2007, 09:04 PM
Review: EDGE (The Company)

I was lucky enough to spend last Thursday and Friday w/ the guys from Dedication to Detail, which most of you know as Edge. They’re the makers of many detailing products including buffing pads both foam and wool, pad cleaning brush, scrub daddy (hand cleaner), foam tips, and last but not least The Shmitt. I met Aaron of Edge a few weeks ago and he talked about an idea I had for a new product. I was a little hesitant to share my idea, but after spending some time w/ him I realized he’s very honest and trustworthy person. He loved my idea and we’re hoping to get the project up and running in the next few months. Stay posted!!! I left for Folcroft, PA on Thursday to discuss the idea in more detail (how about that pun) w/ he and his partner Saul. My flight left out of Savannah, GA at 6:20am. I arrived at Philadelphia International Airport at 11:17 after an hour layover in Atlanta. Aaron came and picked me up and off to Dedication to Detail headquarters. I was so excited to see the place where some of my favorite products were being manufactured. When we arrived, I was introduced to Saul and their manager Jon. Jon is a young man who has worked for Aaron and Saul for a few years now, and he really knows his stuff. Aaron and Saul are really fortunate to have Jon working for them. I told Aaron that Jon seems like the type of guy who would do anything for the two of them. We hung around the office for a few minutes which seemed like hours, and then Aaron finally asked if I wanted to see the production area? DUH! I was like a kid in a candy store. Aaron showed how everything was made and what different types of materials were used in each product. Their plant works 24 hours a day w/ 3 different shifts of employees. As if the floor didn’t impress me enough, Aaron explained to me that not only did they make the products, but they actually personally assembled the machines that make each product. Words cannot do justice to the intelligence it would take to put all these machines together. I’m still in shock by how well each machine worked. One of most impressive things about Dedication to Detail is how efficient the company runs and w/ very little waste. They reuse at least 80 percent of their waste in other products. They recycle the glue pieces, cut foam, cardboard, and more.

Next we ordered lunch for the four of us, and yes we ate CHEESE STEAKS! I could have eaten 3 more while there, but we had other things (night life) to attend to. Aaron took me out on the town Thursday night. We had dinner and then visited a few bars. The weather was starting to get bad, but I had a blast. We got home late, but I told Aaron I would up and ready by 8am. He didn’t believe, but I was up and at his office by 8:30 thanks to the shuttle driver from the hotel. We hung around for most of the morning, and then I received some bad news. They weather had gone from bad to terrible, and my flight was cancelled. I needed to be home that night, so could take my wife and daughter to the St. Patrick’s Day parade. I knew my wife would be pissed if I couldn’t make it. After just about giving up on getting home, the “man” Saul D came to rescue. He found me flight out of Allentown. We left at 1:30 pm thinking it would only take a 1 hour so to get there, but it actually took 3 hours. I made it just in time to catch the flight and was able to get back to Savannah around 10pm after a layoff in Cincinnati. I was very thankful that Saul was kind enough to take the time out of his busy schedule to get me to the airport in time. He even had to drive back in the awful weather.

If your like me, and like patronizing places or business where the people who own or run it really care about their customers then you should all by at least one product from the guys at Dedication to Detail. Dedication to Detail is a company that is extremely passionate about their work and takes pride in making all their products to the highest quality. I really hope our business venture works out and we’re able to become life-long friends in the detailing industry. Thanks a lot you guys! I can’t wait to meet up again.

Here is a picture to show my love for Dedication to Detail:


03-19-2007, 10:30 PM
Great write up, I wish i could go there im doing a report on pads for my polymers class and i would just love to look around from a detailing point of view and a technology point of view, Technology education is my major

03-19-2007, 10:42 PM
Sounds like some fun times. Edge is a pretty good company and I like most if not all of their products.

03-19-2007, 10:58 PM
Thanks Bradley, for taking your time to go and talk/see/learn from these guys. And pass it on to us.

03-20-2007, 05:36 AM
What a great opportunity for you! Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Keep us posted with any product idea developments that may come from this. Aaron ROCKS!

03-20-2007, 09:05 AM
Sounds like a good time, I agree I would love to see the plant and get a tour. I agree with supporting a company that actually cares about the end user, that is why I keep ordering from AG and I really like the Edge products.

Thank you for sharing and the write up is really good...you must be a teacher lol teasing.

03-20-2007, 09:08 AM
:Picture: :Picture:

03-20-2007, 02:43 PM
Aaron truly impressed me with Detailfest, while professional he was also clearly ONE OF THE GUYS !!

03-20-2007, 07:05 PM
:Picture: :Picture:

No can do! Aaron said I couldn't take any pics of the factory. Here is one of the weather I spoke of.


03-20-2007, 07:08 PM
Ahh that weather looks just like my house haha welcome to the NE

The Edge
03-21-2007, 01:44 PM
Oh, Meghan wants pics?? Ok how about these!
